
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Almost Winter

I'm back to give you something I haven't given you in awhile. Nature photos. Just nature and nothing else. No animals of any kind this time. No strange little jokes about taking over the world, maybe. I'm going to show you some scenery from my currently favorite nature park.

This top picture shows a well defined nature trail that winds right next to a good sized slope that leads down to the lake. Walking over to the edge, we would see that it is way too steep to travel down that way without a lot of effort. I haven't done it yet, but I will one day.

You also get a good view of the lake, and a pretty good idea of how big it is. It's not a very big lake, but it makes up for it with the amount of animal activity that it has. I think that's why I like this park so much; there are just so many animals here. And just when I think I've seen them all, something new shows up. I'm getting to that point again now.

Here is a view that I haven't shown you since the middle of last winter. There was snow everywhere then, but I was still very fascinated with this place. I had just discovered this park, and I couldn't wait for the weather to warm up to explore the place.

That walkway and that platform down there is like a playground. I wrote about it back then because I was so delighted to find it. It's like a bridge but better in some ways. It's the fishing platform where I take a lot of pictures from. I've had very many good water bird sightings from there.

The sign says Carpenter Lake, if you were wondering. I was standing right behind a bench that is there to look out at the lake. A nice peaceful spot.

I keep trying to get a good picture of this big old tree, but I still haven't quite found the one I'm looking for. This tree marks the place where I first begin to feel I'm truly in the forest. In the spring this whole area is under water. That's when the frogs come out. You can hear what sounds like thousands of them. I'll record them for you next spring.

That's it for this time I guess. One of these next times I think I should show you a short video of what it's like to walk through here. In the meantime I still have to make my plans to TAKE OVER TH... Just kidding. Maybe next time.


  1. I have seen winters twice through your eyes and thankful I discovered your blog. Have a great year end and merry Christmas

  2. The pictures showed such a gorgeous place to be! I'd like to go..

  3. That looks like a great place. As much as I love summer and seeing all the greenery in winter, when the trees are bare, it gives you the opportunity to see things that have been hidden in the summer months.

  4. When the trees are naked, the forest become transparent.

    Nothing can hide inside.

  5. I can just hear the peace and quiet there, Ratty. I can see why you like it there. Isn't is so cool that it can be so noisy and full of bird and life one time and completely still at others? That is why I love the forest!

  6. Wow, that's wonderfully relaxing just to look at (betcha it's 100 times better live and in person :o) Thanks for sharing it!

  7. I'd love to see a photo of the big old tree taken from the bottom looking up through the dead and live branches, perhaps capturing a bit of the massive trunk as well. Of course that would require you to stand on your head while holding your camera, so it is doubtful. Nice ole tree, rife with wildlife habitat!

  8. A serene and peaceful pictures you got there Ratty. Your conquest need to take a break during this winter I think.

  9. i love all of your photos, whether they are of the animals or just the nature ones. they allow me to take journeys through your eyes and for that i am very thankful to you, my friend.


  10. I love these pics....I like the fact that all the leaves are still pretty colours and not disintegrating yet....when did you take these pics??? I'm waiting for some jack frost nature pics form you!!!

  11. I enjoy looking through the woods when it's bare because I can see more. I have a few odd looking trees back there but I can't get close ups of them. I like your old tree. pretty soon that area of yours will be covered in snow. Then it will have another whole new look. Pretty too! Happy Holidays Ratty!! Thanks for always leaving comments on my blog !! I appreciate them very much. Hugs.

  12. Stark and bare has its own beauty. It is nice to see this in all seasons.

  13. Where is that Ratty? On the Carpenter Rd that goes over near A2? I like some long views like this too, to put things in perspective.

  14. This time of the year is perfect for exploration. So much is hidden by the leaves and undergrowth in the Spring and Summer but now it is visible. That's a beautiful park you have there Ratty, enjoy.

  15. Ratty I miss the bare stark look of the trees in winter, here there is no perceptible fall. Sort of makes you want to wrap up warm against a cold wind.
