
Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Swimming Cormorant

I thought I'd revisit the cormorant I showed you a few days ago in Rat TV. This time he isn't doing anything as rude as he did then, but he's still doing something fun. He's swimming! Well, I know that by itself isn't exactly fun, but trust me, he does do something here that is fun to see. And it won't be anything disgusting like the last time I showed him off.

I keep keep referring to him as the same bird because I know for a fact that it is indeed the very same bird. How do I know this? Obviously because he told me... Not really. The real reason is because I took these videos on the same day. He was a very active bird that summer day, and I happened to remember that my camera does video.

I hope you enjoy this second look at this beautiful cormorant. It's still done with the shaky cam method, but it actually isn't too bad. Take a look!


  1. It's good to see him stretch! He is in his own kingdom.

  2. Cool, Ratty! I guess it's just the amount of sun that makes him look like he has light colors. You make me want to put some video on my blog too. It's neat seeing the animals move.

  3. I do not enjoy much on your video. My wireless give me a turtle-move.

  4. Whoa!!! I am about to fall over from your shakey Cam!!

    Just kidding. I did not even notice until you said something in your text!

    That cormorant looks elegant paddling around on the pond.

  5. I liked this episode much better than the last one. I thought he was going to fly away there for a minute.

  6. @Icy BC
    Those cormorants sure did enjoy themselves in that lake last summer.

    Yeah, it's partly the sun, and my camera filmed everything a little too bright. Video brings a bit of a new dimension to everything, and it's easy to do.

    Hi, I'm fine. How are you?

    I'll make sure I remember to fix this. My connection is very fast, and I sometimes forget that. Next time I do video, I'll remember to put up some pictures too. Thanks for letting me know it's a problem this way.

    I remembered it being a little shakier than it really was, and I became determined to write that. After looking at it, the video didn't seem quite that bad.

    Yeah, that last one was kind of disgusting. It was still a unique situation. I thought he might fly away too this time. I'd love to catch that on camera some time.

  7. You have tied in winning the contest, and were also a top commenter in November at My Quality Day. I just posted the results. Thanks!

  8. I feel bad that he doesn't have a partner...but I am glad he doesn't have a female, because then they would breed and they eat all the fish up in a lake (the little piggies) ha

  9. @Sharkbytes
    Thanks for letting me know. I am somehow late answering this here, but I saw it before.

    @The Retired One
    Actually he's one of three cormorants that frequent this lake. They do love the fish, but there seems to be plenty to go around right now.
