
Friday, December 4, 2009

The Return OF Flynn

That daredevil of squirrels has returned! I mentioned yesterday while I was showing you that forest ninja black squirrel that it had interrupted my second photo shoot with the star among squirrels, Flynn. I don't know the name of the black squirrel because he didn't happen to tell me. He is a ninja after all.

Anyway I'm very sure that the squirrel in this picture is the same squirrel I showed you so many times before. It's not that I think I have become so good at identifying squirrels that I can identify individuals on sight, but I'm beginning to think that I can identify this one individual. He is different from the other squirrels.

Flynn seems to be much more comfortable around me than any other squirrel I've ever seen. This is the only squirrel that lets me get as close as I do, and he is always in the same location as where I first found him. As you may have guessed, I have now seen him several times! And his behavior is always the same.

I actually had a few more pictures of him standing there eating acorns like before, but one was with his back to me, and the other came out blurry because that was right at the time when the black squirrel interrupted the whole thing. He did do several poses for me, and he seemed to enjoy the attention one again.

The oddest thing was that he was still waiting right there after all of the chaos with that black squirrel. That black one came running and hopping across the path, and I was moving swiftly trying to keep up with him. That would have scared off any other squirrel, but not Flynn! He was waiting right there on this tree branch after the other squirrel was gone!

I don't know the real reason why Flynn behaves like this, but take a look at these pictures. They're in sequential order. You can see that he was digging in the leaves when I found him. As soon as he saw me, he perked up and leisurely came over to eat his acorn near me.

I've also been there while other people were around, and he doesn't behave the same with them. This is very odd. Flynn is either a mystery or he just likes being a star!


  1. Ratty, I think he finds a kindred spirit in you and just feels comfortable in your presence!

  2. That's so nice that he feels so comfortable around you! Are you sure you didn't have any walnuts in your pocket? :-)

  3. I think Flynn is an old squirrel and just likes to take it easy in his old age and doesn't mind you being around. You are no threat to him. I'm glad you got to see him again. I had a favorite old squirrel I called "Bent Ear" It was sad the day he died and came to see me for one last time. We do tend to get attached to our furry friends. I still have not spotted the fox. What will be, will be. And like you said. He won't be in pain any more.

  4. It is smelling a squirrel from inner part of you. You may evolve.....

  5. I know it's silly, but I really look forward to seeing the squirrels each day on your site. I'm not tired of them! I love Flynn...keep it up!

  6. I think that Flynn knows that you are making him a celebrity. But even if that's not the case I enjoy seeing his pictures.

  7. Ratty, He's your new little buddy and loves the attention :)

  8. Flynn is a good friend as well as a good topic. Keep 'em coming Ratty your observations are classic!


  9. she does look like the same one as before, isn't it wonderful to encounter them again, maybe she finds you a very nice friend that she makes her appearance whenever you're around, also, hoping to get a free media exposure :)

  10. @RNSane
    That could be. I saw him run from another person one time before he came right back to me.

    @Icy BC
    Nope, no walnuts. Maybe I should try that for the black squirrels though. They don't like me yet.

    Maybe. There's something attracting some of these animals.

    I was wondering the same thing. That could be the answer. I'll watch him more closely if I see him again. I remember you mentioning Bent Ear. I really hope that fox is okay, but if he's gone, I hope it was fast.

    I keep on doing that. First I was a human. I've spent a little time as a dog. Then I morphed into a rat. And maybe next I'll be a squirrel. :)

    @Jennifer Becker Landsberger
    It's not silly at all. Besides, silly is fun. I look forward to seeing the squirrels too. I sometimes wonder if I show them too much, so I'm glad you like to see them too.

    Flynn sure does seem to like to pose. He does all kinds of strange little tricks.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    I'm glad he's my little buddy. That makes it so much easier to get his picture. :)

    Thanks. I'll keep bringing them as long as Flynn keeps coming back. There's still a few black squirrels that I need to hypnotize as well.

    I think it's the free media exposure that Flynn craves. He sees that camera and comes running. Or maybe he just thinks I'm a nut. :)

  11. Do you think the squirrels start to know you? Or just get used to humans? Hmmm. I wonder if they can actually recognize individual people. Just something to ponder. :)

  12. These are smart animals, I have seen many videos of them using problem solving skills to get food. The older ones do seen to tolerate and get along with humans more than the young ones. I think they do recognize individual humans. Flynn is a cutie.

  13. @Julia
    I sometimes wonder if they can recognize individuals too. At first I think no, but then I remember the pets I've had. I would know each of them anywhere.

    I've also seen squirrels do some amazingly intelligent things. I watched as they ambushed a hawk so they could protect the forest. The complicated teamwork they showed just had to be planned in advance.
