
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Free As A Bird

I knew it was going to be a good day when I went for a routine hike a few short days ago. That's because the first thing I heard when I got out of my truck was the singing of dozens of birds. I knew I was going to have a good time because that sound always means that the animals are out and they're active.

The last few times before that I've gone to this same place I was greeted with the sound of silence. That isn't a bad thing by any means, but it means I won't be seeing many of my forest friends. One of those days I saw a total of three squirrels. No other animals whatsoever.

It will be quiet on more and more days as winter approaches and sets in. That means I'll have to focus my attention on other things, but until then I have these birds. As it turns out, the birds I heard were more American robins. I've told you before that they stay here throughout most of the winter. I'm looking forward to seeing them, and what other birds appear.

It isn't just the birds I'm looking for though. It's what they do that I'm really interested in. I want to see their behavior. I want to see them do something I've never seen before, something odd. Just sitting there in a tree is fine, but I want them to move. What can they do for me?

They can fly! Do any of us look at the birds and not wonder what it would be like to soar freely in the sky? Even for a short distance would be an amazing thing! I want to be able to look down on the trees and the houses. I want to feel the rush of the air all around me! I want to be free as a bird!

What would it be like to be an animal for just a short time? Any animal. What an experience that would be. To be a bird. To be a squirrel. To be a deer, or even a skunk. How about being a wolf or a fox, running on four legs at speeds no human can achieve.

In the past some humans dreamed of putting on a coat that turned them into the animal that the fur came from. Others said this was an evil thing. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. We don't really need any suit of fur, but we can still have our dreams. My dream is to fly.


  1. I sit under a tree this morning. There are a few monkeys busy having their breakfast, and I can see falling berries, leaves and branches.

    I see the back of these monkeys. They won't fly like the Robin, they may do the same ugly business like the cormorant.

  2. My father's dream was to fly also. He did achieve his dream but with the use of an airplane. After his retirement he bought himself a tri-pacer and lived his dream every weekend. You could see the look of total joy every time he went.

  3. Wonderful post, Ratty! When I was a child, I wondered about flying sometimes, and swimming like a fish, sometimes..

  4. You can try skydiving for a change Ratty. I believe that's the closest experience of flying :)

  5. great in flight capture ratty! you are right, i think too that we all have thought of flying. sometimes i would have dreams of doing this, but it would always end suddenly before i ever got to any destination. have a wonderful day...hugz!

  6. It'd be my luck to be turned into an animal about to be eaten by a hungry predator. I have experienced the sensation of jumping up into the air and just floating sometimes it seems so real. Happy adventures to ya.

  7. Many wish to fly, that's why man invented airplaines, sky diving, hand gliding, etc. I think handgliding is closer to flying than skydiving. I sky dove and it felt a lot like falling and not much like flying. LOL!

  8. First Ratty, Love the bird photos. I so wish I could fly then I'd never have to be on a cramped plane again. Seriously though, our little winged friends have the gift of freedom.

  9. I have watched flocks of blackbirds fly from tree to tree, never settling for very long. When they do, after a few seconds there's a big WHOOSH and off they go again. Lots of places to go, things to see! Wouldn't it be great if it was that easy?!

  10. I have flown a couple times in my dreams. Does that count???

  11. I like the birds, but I don't need to fly. Maybe I am a fish.

  12. @Rainfield
    I hope those monkeys never do to you what that cormorant did. I know monkeys think that is very funny.

    I can understand why he would want that. I'd love to have a small plane to fly around in.

    @Icy BC
    I wondered mostly about flying. My fear of drowning stops any ideas of swimming like a fish. I'd still like to do it though.

    Skydiving might be fun to try. That feeling of falling might be too scary for me to attempt it though. I'm a chicken at heart.

    I've had dreams of flying too. I have learned to prolong them just a bit. I've even been able to purposely practice my flying a bit there. The key is to not tell yourself that you can't.

    There's always a chance of being eaten when you're an animal. Jumping is I guess the closest we can all come to a feeling of actual independent flight.

    @DK Miller
    I think I'd love that feeling of soaring in the air, and falling isn't quite the same. I want the control that real flight brings.

    @Mother Goose
    I'd have a honking good time as a goose. I think even Henry Heinrich has grown to like it.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    Just imagine people on a plane looking out the window and seeing you flying along beside them. :)

    I have watched the same things. I love seeing the birds take off like that. It looks so easy when they do it.

    @Joe Todd
    Yes, it does! I've flown in my dreams many times. It's a wonderful experience. I don't like that inevitable sinking back to the ground though.

    I don't need to fly either. I guess that's why I don't have wings. It's still a fun thought. Being a fish isn't quite so fun for me, only because I'm too afraid of drowning. :)

  13. Cool photo of the Robin, great capture of him in flight. Our robins are gone until Spring, I think it's interesting that they stay in some places all winter long. Flying would be my choice, the places you could see would be endless.

    Blogger cut me off last night before I could finish reading, back to try again.

  14. Our robins are long gone from the U.P.
    I am so glad they find a home downstate with you.

  15. @SquirrelQueen
    I wonder now if the fact that robins stay here is why they are our state bird. I forgot to include a smaller bird like a robin in my poll. I wish I would have now.

    @The Retired One
    I'm not sure how much they'll like it here in the next few days. Our temps won't be higher than 25f.
