
Monday, November 2, 2009

The Confident Squirrel

Sometimes the best thing to do with any strong feeling is is to get it out so that strength dissipates. That was yesterday's post. I told you then of my feelings of loss of the past, but I also hinted at the end of the new future to come. The future is always an exciting mystery, with wonders yet to discover. Here's the first.

I happened to walk right up on this little fox squirrel while on my latest hike. I wish I had my zoom lense with me, but I didn't this time. The squirrel actually saw me there, but he didn't care at all. He was not even a little afraid of me. He even casually moved around a bit just to show me he could.

Just to be courteous to my new little friend, I stopped and let him enjoy his snack of an acorn. He seemed to be really enjoying it. This first picture is one of over fifty with him standing in that very same pose. As you may have guessed, he stood there like that for quite some time. He even glanced up at me several times to acknowledge my presence. I was delighted that he seemed to trust me.

After he was finished with his little meal - though I guess something the size of an acorn for him might be the size of a grapefruit for us - he turned to look at me for a couple of seconds. While he may look slightly confrontational in the picture, he was actually moving quite slowly. He was just getting a better look at me, before he searched for another nut.

This was his next move. He began searching the ground for another snack, and maybe a few to hide for the winter too. As his search progressed he began to lose interest in me, and at one point dug himself almost completely under the fallen leaves.

I guess he didn't find much because his search continued on and on. I knew from memory that before the leaves fell this was a good area for acorns, but maybe it's just a little harder to find them under all of these old leaves. I'm sure he'll find all he needs. There's tons of them around here.

When he was finally finished with his little acorn search, he decided it was time to leave. When a squirrel makes up his mind, I guess he feels a great need to move as fast as he can, because that's just what he did. I think part of the reason he leaped into the air like that was because they don't like staying right on the walking path.

That's right! Under these leaves is the trail I was standing on. It was completely covered by these fallen leaves. It's the first time I've seen that in this particular forest. I only discovered this place at the last half of last winter. I guess witnessing the transformation to winter here will be a whole new adventure for me. That might be fun!


  1. Hope that squirrel finds all the acorns it wants. They certainly are quick--too quick for my dog!

  2. Aww, he's a cutie. I'm sure he'll find his acorns. I hope he doesn't have to throw them all at Karen's dog. :-)

  3. It just goes to prove that your every day adventures lead to new discoveries in your daily life, isn't that what keeps us all going? It sure is for me.


  4. Oh that squirrel is almost blending in with the colors of leaves on the ground! I love those pictures!

  5. I am always amazed at how different the woods looks at each different season. We went back to some of the places where I took pix of wildflowers this fall and I didn't even recognize the same spots!
    And now when the leaves fell some of the same spots where I took autumn pictures looks totally different. The animals must recognize things more by smell, don't you think?

  6. Beneath the carpet of leaves, there lie many secrets waiting for you to discover.

  7. What a beautiful encounter with the squirrel. Just as you were checking it out. It was also checking out on you and probably thinking if you would make any attempt to capture it or hurt it. On seeing that you stayed still, it also kept a respectful distance from you.

  8. We've both had our fun with the squirrels these last few days. I haven't noticed any today but, of course, I've been immersed in the computer. I think they have gathered most of the pecans that were on the ground and there isn't the leafy cover in which to hide which puts them at risk around here. I know a few have been caught by cats.

    Nice photos, Ratty.

  9. Cute pictures Ratty. I had about six squirrels down here today. They are sure getting fat. But they don't have to hunt too far for their food. Ha! I saw something sad today. A Mourning Dove hit the upstairs window and he jerked only for a few seconds and was dead right outside my window. Poor thing. They hit the windows a lot but this was the first one I have seen die. It will be a meal for one of the other critters later tonight.

  10. @Karen
    There were plenty of acorns for him. He just had to dig around a bit.

    @DK Miller
    These squirrels in this forest are very good at evading dogs. They have a lot of practice.

    That's exactly right! An adventure a day is the best thing for all of us.

    @Icy BC
    I like them for the same reason. Although I was a little worried that he would be hard to see.

    @The Retired One
    Yeah, I have trouble finding my way on some of these paths when all of the leaves are on the ground. The woods are a much different place now. I think that squirrel was sniffing his way around for those acorns.

    Those leaves hide many things, including sometimes the correct path.

    It's amazing how calm a wild animal can be if you use the right body language around it.

    Cats may be a squirrels worst enemy. They are the one animal that can sneak up on them.

    Poor bird. I always feel sad for any animal that is killed. I guess there's not a whole lot we can do about it sometimes though.

  11. I just love the intense encounter with "wild animals" and this squirrel meeting sounds exquisite--he really trusted you, even though you were towering over him. What fun!

  12. I love little squirrels. Some of them are way bolder than others. While I was in Oklahoma this past weekend I tried my hand at nature watching. If you get a chance, take a look and tell me what you think :)

  13. Ratty- I guess somehow I missed stopping by this morning. Those fox squirrels get really chubby. But I guess not too fat to move fast!

  14. Ratty, he is a cutie and blends right into the terrain even in the closeup.

  15. Hi Ratty...just catching up after a few neglectful days...loved the photos...I think you are so lucky to live near such wonderful forests!!

  16. This reminds me of the squirrel I saw the other day, he was searching through the leaves looking for something. If it was an acorn he was out of luck, there were no oak trees nearby, lol. Great shots Ratty, the next squirrel is going to come right up to you and ask for directions!
