
Sunday, November 1, 2009


It's over. It's all done. To me, Halloween marks the true end of warm weather, and even summer. I know that summer has long passed us all by, but this was the day that I consider the true time of transformation. Winter will soon take hold and freeze us all to the bone.

A night ago we had a huge rainstorm that stripped the trees near my house of all of their leaves. I don't know what my hiking trails look like since then because I have been distracted by other adventures since then. These pictures I show you today are only a memory of the last time I visited my favorite place. I only hope it still looks the same.

As you may have guessed by now, this is a depressing thought for me. I truly enjoyed this past year, even though it was a rocky one at times for me. It was actually the first year I was ever able to truly enjoy nature to this extent.

There wre so many places I was able to visit and so many miles I hiked. Even with all of that there were still places that I still wanted to see before all the green left me. But it's all over now. Gone! Soon snow will begin to cover the land, and there will be no animals to find. Only their tracks will left for me to follow

If you really wanted to see a ghost yesterday, I gave you a nice picture of a ghost walking down the path. It was actually a character I've mentioned before, but never really what you would call a ghost. Today, in these pictures, I'm showing the real ghost. It is the ghost of a forest long gone. The trees still stand, but how do they appear now?

This time of year is when it begins to get difficult for the animals of the forest. It also begins to get difficult for someone like me, who brings you stories and pictures of everyday adventures. I will have to be more creative than ever. I will have to find adventure and fun in ways that are compatible with this new kind of weather.

Today I will just look to the past and cry for its demise. But tomorrow is a new day, with all new adventures. That's the great thing about tomorrow; none of us ever truly know what it will bring. Some have a fear of that unknown, but I won't. I'm going to look at it as a new and exciting event.

What's gone can not be retrieved, but there is a whole new world out there now. I hope it will bring more great times for this everyday adventurer.


  1. I dislike the bleak side of winter but oh the joy in spring. Interesting post. :)

  2. Though I'm not a fan of colder weather I must admit that winter does create some breathtaking sites. I'm sure you will find many adventures in the coming months to entertain us with

  3. oh ratty, i read the sadness in this post of the changing of the seasons. yes, the animals are not out as much and the colors of the forest are sleeping, but i'm sure that there will be many adventures out there still for you. and if not, maybe you will have a little vacation and you will write more fiction stories. either way, i will be here every day to say hello and maybe offer you some hot cocoa!

    have a wonderful day my friend...hugz!

  4. Your softer side of caring for the animals in the forest is so sweet!
    Yes, we'll have many cold months ahead of us, and I want to hibernate already..

  5. We had some hard rains and terrible winds and now there isn't a leaf to be seen on the trees. I expect to see snow at any time. It's weird when I can see through the woods again. I like it for winter because I can see the animals deeper into those woods. But you are right Ratty. Everything seems so bleak now.

  6. I remember well on your winter stories, and you are a tough guy to continue hiking on that time.

    I remember you have shown us a pair of shoes that was not suitable for the weather.

    You have your stories.

  7. winter is dreary and bleak...but I suppose without it we couldn't appreciate the summer!!

  8. I am grieving along with you Ratty, at the loss of summer and autumn and the passage into winter.
    I hope to go out more into the cold and snow to capture photos so that I can change my outlook.....but first I have to shop for long underwear, wool socks, fur hats and good boots and snowshoes.
    Bring it, winter!
    BRING IT!!

  9. The trees here are bare in some cases and I still see some with lots of green. Strange? i don't look forward to bare trees though it is pretty when it snows.

  10. Ratty, I don't love winter and am glad I live in a place where it doesn't snow...can you imagine the chaos in San Francisco if it did? Cars careening down the hills and the city at a constant standstill!

    I am sure that, no matter what the weather, you will continue to thrill us with your posts.

    I do love a first snowfall, though...and don't mind vacationing in spots that can give me that pleasure. I am just glad not to live in snow on a day to day basis.

  11. I actually look forward to your winter posts, Ratty, because I have no doubt you'll be very creative when the critters are all asleep. I love animal tracks and the stories they tell...but those might be kind of hard to photograph....

  12. Ratty, don't cry! We love winter, remember?

  13. i understand what you feel, though i love playing with snow and photographing the peacefulness of winter, but maybe because i only go to it if my mood wants to and not live with it everyday. beautiful pictures.

  14. Soon Spring will come again Ratty. Personally I prefer warm than cold weather.

  15. Glad to hear it's been a positive year for at least one person - that's refreshing to hear.

    October's end is a beginning for me. I adore winter: the chill, the sights, the speed (i.e. skiing) all send my blood rushing wild. I love that feeling - it's the most invigorating feeling of the year.

  16. I know what you mean having spent winter in Chicago. But here in Houston, winter is just a chilly air, sometimes, even that is not present. Hardly any snow here and the trees doesn't change much in color.

  17. Fall is a time for reflection, but it is also a time for preparing for a rest. Time to slow down and prepare for winter's slumber. I know my frogs live a longer life because of hibernation, and I think we need it as well.

  18. Ratty, my heart is breaking for you. However, you just never know what adventure is lurking around the corner. You will be out there again soon. In the meantime, come to SF and join me in my botanical gardens.

  19. Dang Rattimus! you're making me feel bad for reveling in the glory of Autumn!This is actually one of the best times to go camping IMNSHO; you can hear the owls searching each other out, the cry of the bobcat, the grunting calls of the white tail buck looking for love,there are all sorts of signs of life!

    Im with PJ though, I'll stop by to see you daily!

  20. I have to live vicariously through you when you can actually see snow. I miss it. I know that's crazy, but I love the days of fall, where all of the leaves are falling.

  21. Hey Ratty- You came in 2nd in the contest, but you earn an ad for being a top commenter!

  22. Do you have snowshoes? Parka? You must!!! We want snow photos next. :)

    The cold must really be daunting. I can not say I have spent an entire winter in the snow so I have no room for comparison. But I like winter.

    I am hoping you rally back!!

  23. Actually Ratty, winter can be quite exciting. For instance you can see things in the trees, like nests, that are normally hidden by the leaves. Finding tracks of animals that are rarely seen is always fun. Trying to figure out what the tracks belong to can sometimes be an adventure of its own.

    Each season is special and is filled with adventure, there is certainly no reason to be sad.

  24. @Glynis
    I agree, winter can be rough at times. Spring is always a welcome sight.

    I'm sure I will find some good entertaining things too. I still like all the seasons.

    I'll still go out and enjoy nature. This post was a way of letting out the loss of the past. There is a bright future waiting just ahead. We need fall and winter to clear out the old so we can begin again.

    @Icy BC
    I have to say it will be sad to see the animals go, but there will be evidence of them out there sometimes.

    The challenge for all of us is to see the beauty of nature through all of the bleakness that these months will bring. I'm sure that beauty will be there.

    I will still be hiking this winter too, only I will be smarter and better prepared.

    That's right. Winter is the time of cleansing that brings about the renewal of everything.

    @The Retired One
    That's what I say, "Bring it!" I'll be ready. Winter actually is an exciting time for hiking.

    @DK Miller
    I don't like the bare trees either, but there is a strange beauty there too. Fresh snow is also very beautiful.

    I remember being in Tennessee when it snowed. A little snow on the streets can be very rough for a driver who isn't at all used to it.

    @WillOaks Studio
    Actually animal tracks are not all that hard to photograph, I've done it many times. I hope I can find many more this year now.

    Yeah, I remember. This post was my way of shaking off the past. I'm looking forward to finding some of the wonders of winter.

    The snow will be fun, and besides, it's my job to find adventures, especially in times that most people don't. :)

    I prefer warm too, but cold has it's good points. In the cold the air is so much fresher smelling and clean than any other time.

    Winter can be very invigorating. I can't ski though. I tried a few things like that and I'm not good at them at all. Even though it looks fun, I'm much better doing much slower activities.

    Even though I complain now, I would complain about the weather being too hot in the summer. I guess there is always a balance. :)

    A little bit of hibernation is a good thing. I still hope to be outside in my forests as much as possible.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    Your botanical gardens have become one of my favorite places, even without personally ever being there. One day though...

    That's my last sad post for at least a short while. It was bursting to get out. Not that it's out I can enjoy the current season again.

    @Dr. Lauren
    I'll be bringing you plenty of snow. Falling snow is one of my favorite subjects of my photography.

    Thanks for letting me know. Your contests are some of the best!

    I have already rallied back. This post was my last goodbye to warm weather. I'll be ready for the winter, and there will be plenty of snow photos. I love them.

    Thank you for the reminder. These are some of the many things I enjoyed and missed about last winter.

    I broke my sadness while writing the final words of this post. It was written to shed the ghost of summer.
