
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flying Geese

One of the first big quests that I've ever sent myself on was to get a picture of a bird in flight. I found myself spinning in crazed circles trying to catch a few birds flying past me. I quickly found out that birds enjoy teasing humans that try this sort of thing. Why else would they take turns flying complete circles around me?

But geese, geese are different than all of those other mean spirited little birds. After those cruel creatures broke my heart out of frustration, it was the geese that came and saved me. Geese were the first birds that made it easy for me to get a few pictures while they soared happily in the sky.

 Since then I have gotten very many pictures of my friends flying above me. I watched as the would take off, and I watched as they landed, sometimes seemingly crashing onto the surface of a pond or lake. These pictures I show you now are so close that my humble camera shows them clearly.

These two were part of a flock of maybe six. I only got these in the shot because they were so close. Even though they move slow enough for me to get these pictures, flying still takes a considerable amount of speed, so I couldn't get the entire flock most of the time. The top picture actually shows three of them, although there were more.

One of these days I'll decide to finally put the video part of my camera to good use and give you some good action of these crazy birds flying around. In these pictures they almost look as if they're just hanging there in the sky. Look very closely, there are no strings at all.

Canada geese like these are probably deservedly considered as pests around here by many people. But I think of them as my friends, for very many reasons. Mostly because I'm not the one who has to clean up after them. They can also be dangerous at times, but they have always only acted as my friends.


  1. Canada Geese are one of my favorite migrating birds. I can understand how the ones that don't seem to migrate can be seen as pests but I still love their grace and loyalty.

    Nice post, Ratty!

  2. wow, rainfield recently captured a flying mudskipper and here you are! you captured a flying geese! are you guys twins? ;)

  3. Nice shots, I like the geese but not when they hiss at me and certainly not when they fly over me - not after seeing what happened to my coworker! Let's just say he needed to clean his jacket after a fly over. :-)

  4. No no no...

    You are cheating me. They are not real geese.

    They are just some kites.

    (Are we twins?)

  5. I love your photos Ratty!! Those geese look like they are just coming in so softly for a landing with their little feet ready..LOL

  6. We have so many geese in our pond, however all remember about them when I was child was that they chased me around. Yes, I did harass them a bit, so I think I deserved it. lol

  7. Beautiful captured, Ratty! Recently I attempt to do the same when I see the geese flying above my head, but my pictures turn out awful!

  8. I've always had a problem with trying to get pictures of birds in flight as well. Maybe I'll have to go find a flock of geese and try again :)

  9. Be careful looking up under a flying bird, Ratty!!

  10. I, too love the geese and all the ducks.
    Some may call them pests, but hey..they were here first now, weren't they?
    We are the pests.

    I think they are beautiful!
    Nice shots, Ratty. I never do well getting shots of any of the birds in flight.

  11. I'm not a big fan of these birds because they are such a messy nuisance around here--BUT I love these photos because I had no idea they flew with their feet sort of sticking out (thought they were more tucked in) It's pretty cute!

  12. I think video will be a great idea to capture your adventure Ratty :) I somehow suspect that you and rainfield are siblings since your post are almost identical quite often.

  13. Ha! I like the ones with their landing gear down!

  14. Those close ups are very impressive. Nice work Ratty :-)

  15. I love these birds...Have you ever seen the movie 'Fly away home'??? It is about Canadian geese./ was a good movie!!!!

  16. You got great shots of them, Ratty. I know people have been complaining about the ones that have taken up residence in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. It seems they are there in huge numbers and they are messy, indeed, fertilizing the grass - and visitors.
