
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So here we are, one day after my little Guessing Game. I asked you all to guess what the object sticking out of the leaf covered forest floor was. There were so many of you that easily guessed correctly what it was. I was trying to be deceptive though to make the game a little more interesting, so some of you were led astray by this sneaky rat.

The really fun part of this game was not the winners guessing correctly, but reading all of the other guesses that were made. Your creativity in guessing anything but a the correct answer was wonderful. I won't mention any of those fun guesses here, so if you want to see them go take a look at the comments from yesterday. Then when you're done with my site take a look at theirs!

Now I guess by now that many of you are wondering what exactly that thing was that I showed you. You may have guessed already by looking at the first picture here, but the next one will leave no doubt at all to the identity of the hidden mystery. Let's take a look!

Caught! There he is, Mr. Fox Squirrel! I just happened to be taking pictures while he was rooting around in the leaves for a few tasty acorns. There were times, like in yesterday's photo, when he was completely buried under the leaves. He was doing a very thorough search. I actually watched while this hungry little varmint ate a total of three of them! The best thing was that he had no problem at all with my presence there.

The first two pictures don't do justice to what was actually happening there. They capture the action while he did something very strange. He kept bobbing up and down, sticking his head down under the leaves and coming back up again in rapid succession. It was very odd seeing him go up and down like that. Can you guess what he had when he finally came back up for the final time?

You guessed it! He had another acorn in his mouth. When he got it he immediately jumped up towards this branch. He knew I was standing there, but he still jumped towards the direction I was at. He really didn't mind that I was there at all. After a rough start with squirrels last spring, they seem to be quickly becoming my friends.

I told you yesterday that this would most likely kick off my subjects for the rest of the week. I meant that, because I have much more of this squirrel to show you. I still have to tell you the story of how I first discovered him. And I also have some of the best squirrel pictures you've ever seen anywhere! I'm going to make this all very fun, so stay tuned!


  1. Ahahaha! my guess is right! You really caught a lot of nice pictures there. I'll always check your site for new posts. :)

  2. Amazing photos again Ratty. You've really mastered the art of capturing squirrels :-)

  3. I have decided that you must have kidnapped a bunch of baby squirrels when they were mere babies and hand trained them to do tricks for you in front of a camera and now just are planting them in the woods saying they are wild squirrels.
    Great shots, as always, Ratty!!!

  4. I wonder why you are a rat by name.
    You must be a Squirrel.

  5. I knew it! You wouldn't even the "cherry on top" beg to make it a cat, would you?

  6. Looking forward for your squirrel attack Ratty :)

  7. Oh I'm so cross with you Ratty...and I didn't read the post until today but purposefully didn't look at today's until i had commented....and i was just soooo wrong!!

  8. So it was a squirrel after all, you had me second guessing myself.

  9. I have Squirrels in the front,side and back yards. They use the phone lines and power lines as highways and if I get in their way they scold me

  10. I should have guessed. It does seem to be your favorite animal.

  11. Darn, caught again by my specificity...
