
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guessing Game

Guess what! I have another all new game for you today! I decided to bring this one to you a little early after last week's game got off to a bad start for many of you. I'll be doing more of those, but now the main focus will not be the same, which is the way I intended it all along. Today's game is a bit different than I've done before though. Let me show you what it's all about.

Here you see in the picture above a carpet of leaves and some twigs on the forest floor. There is something else in this picture that I have not mentioned though. You can see clearly what it is. What I want you do do is guess what it is, even if somebody else already guessed the same. There can always be more than one winner here. But remember, it's very possible that the object is not at all what you think. Am I being deceptive? Well, of course! If I wasn't, this wouldn't be a game, now would it?

As I always tell you, my games are easy. They're meant to be that way so even children can play them. I don't ever promise a prize or anything, just a little bit of fun to brighten your day and mine. Even if you guess wrong, it's still fun to guess and speculate on what you see. Wild guesses are the most fun. This particular game will most likely kick off a fun subject here for the rest of the week.

So go to it, tell me what you think you see in this picture!


  1. I agree with VanillaSeven, I also think it's a Squirrel!

  2. I don't know, there's something not quite right about the fur. Maybe it's a squirrel of the stuffed variety. Actually it reminds me of a fake fur collar on a coat I had years ago, LOL!

  3. It look like a hat that somebody buried in the leaves. (actually it looks like a squirrel tail, but that would be too easy)

  4. squirrel was my first guess but i go for a snake. wild guess! lol!

  5. OK, well if it's the obvious thing, it's a squirrel. If it's something "deceptive and tricky" then is some kind of duster!

  6. i have to say also that a squirrel's tail is the first thing i thought of. i know you said easy, but then you said it might not be what you think it is, so...hmmm. a davy crocket hat?! lol

    have a great day...hugz!

  7. Since eight of our friends mention squirrel, why don't I follow?

  8. At first I too thought a squirrel, but I think it's a dogs tail. the dog is buried in the leaves.

  9. Well, it looks like a squirrel tail to me.

  10. I would, also, guess a squirrel's tail but ours here don't look that could have costumed another critter, knowing you...or just put something else under all those leaves.

  11. Looks like a red squirrel tail to me.

  12. There is a squirrel tail in the middle of the picture. Also, in the extreme upper left, there is a leaf shaped like a horse's head with mane.

  13. uh yeah, looks like a squirrel tail but I'm thinking it's gotta be something else. problem is I don't know what

  14. I'll say a chipmunks tail, but it looks awful thick. There also looks like something brown right behind the tail or whatever that thing is sticking up that looks like a moccasin or a snake.

  15. Mmmm, it's not a whole squirrel which is a bit odd. lol. I say a coat collar.

  16. Since everyone else guessed it's a squirrel's tail..I'd like say it's a cat's tail. I'll have to wait for the answer. Please, please, with a cherry on top, let it be a cat's tail!!

  17. Like the others, I would say a red squirrel tail....but I have seen chipmunks with a reddish rump and tail too...
    You always keep us guessing, Ratty.
    Hope it isn't a rat tail. hahaaaa

  18. Oh wait! Joe saw one of these in Daley Plaza, downtown Chicago, this week! It's a RAT! :)

    Just kidding. I'm going with the crowd---squirrel!

  19. I have 4 guessimations. Chinchilla? Wolverine? Fennec Fox? Or Lemur? ???????? Which is it Mr. R?

  20. It does look like a red squirrel tail but they don't usually bury their heads like that..LOL Now if you blew up the photo it could be a little chipmunk's tail. I sure don't think you planted anything there..ha!

  21. In the blowup it looks like something thick, with a thin tail curled under its behind. So like a fox squirrel is doing a headstand in the leaves with its tail wrapped under its butt. Did it fall out of the tree and was too embarrassed to admit it?

  22. definitely a squirrel's tail...not sure about the rest

  23. It looks like a tail but it seems to be too thick. Also it looks like some type of cap!?

  24. I wish we had different varieties of squirrels around here. This fox squirrel is so beautiful.

  25. I'm a bit late on this one...but I think it could be a hedgehog...well it looks kind of like one...but maybe not as i think a hedgehog would look more spiny and less you even have hedgehogs??? I really have no idea what I'm talking about however I am convinced that it isn't a squirrel...that's just too easy...well maybe??!!??!
