
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watching Me

I knew it! I knew I was being spied upon! I knew they were watching me! It's the squirrels! They're not at all what they seem! Oh, they pretend to be sweet little innocent forest creatures, but that's not what they are at all. I think they're really invaders from elsewhere. Where? Elsewhere!

I told you a few days ago about how when I finally got a peek through the leaves of the trees I saw something terrible and sinister looking back at me. Maybe they were surprised that I saw them, and maybe I saw their true faces of evil. Now after I wrote that post they've changed their tactics altogether.

They know I can see them, so they have put on a different face. Now instead of their true face they try to fool all of us with the cutest face anyone has ever seen! How can you look at that face in the first photo and not think these are the sweetest little creatures ever born? It's so cute that it almost looks like a cartoon character or something.

Oh sure! You think I'm wrong about this, do you? Then why would this sweet little squirrel be so interested in me then? I was actually very far away from it when I took these pictures. It's not like I posed a threat to it, the way I stood there watching and taking pictures. Just because I like watching them doesn't give them any excuse to watch me right back! Does it?

Oh, it tried to hide when I first saw it, but I was much too stealthy for it. I stayed very still and only moved enough to get a better angle for my camera. I could see it back there with its face hidden. It looked like it was fiddling around with something. Other more naive people would tell you that it was just eating an acorn, but I know it was just putting on its cute mask!

When it was looking at me it even tucked its arms up close to its body in the cutest way possible as if to show that it meant no harm whatsoever. I know what it was really doing though. It was concealing its evil alien disintegration gun. If I would have made the wrong move it would have been zzzaaapp, no more Ratty!

After about five minutes of this stare down between giant fake rat and deceptive scout from the alien tribe of squirrels, the squirrel seemed to become bored with the rat. I know that wasn't the truth at all. It was really going back to report this little incident to its superiors!

When it was gone I stood there in a confused state for another minute and a half. Then as my brain began to slowly churn again I began to wonder just what these squirrels were plotting. Maybe they were building a mind control device out of acorns, or maybe the acorns are the fuel for their weapons! They're planning something. Something big!

After getting home and thinking about this incident I wondered just what the world would think when I revealed the awful truth. Would anybody believe me? Would they just think this is the ramblings of a crazy person, or would they just think this is the ramblings of a crazy person? Well, I'm not crazy I tell you! Haha ha hahahahaha haha ha ha hahaha, uh, ha!


  1. Funny creatures - you never know what will run through the mind of a squirrel. Nice photos.

  2. you are getting amazing shots with your new lens ratty. this look like you were standing right in front of this little guy! love em. have a great day...hugz!`

  3. What a wicked imagination you have Ratty! I love when they hold their little hands together like that.. Just be careful out there. They can jump at you faster than you can blink your eyes..Ha! Ha!

  4. I like the color leaves in the background, and you have a rich imagination! Your pictures made the squirrel looks so adorable..

  5. The next day when you'll go back, they may continue having discussion on you, the story is so lengthy that they cannot finish overnight.

  6. There's more dangers in the forest than I realised. Be careful Ratty! :-)

  7. You are funny, Ratty (hehe) and yes, Squirrels are comedians too! Such adorable critters. I also like photographing them! :)

  8. Love your shots of the squirrel but I think that squirrel looks like he has evil intentions on his mind. Maybe he was trying to hide some acorns and he didn't like that you spotted him.

  9. Look at that tail on this little guy. Wow! I am always trying to figure out what they are thinking as well. I'm going to start calling you the Squirrel Whisperer :) YOu need to write a book Ratty.

  10. Your pictures are just getting better and better all the time. They are very cute. Especially when they know you are watching them. Hmm Acorn fuel. I wonder :)

  11. Cuteness sometimes can be deceiving... beware...

  12. Ah Ratty, you are in no physical danger. Human type weapons are so low tech and totally unnecessary for a race that has mastered the art of mind control.

    We, I mean they, come in peace simply to study your species. As long as no one discovers the secret lair the human race is safe, for the time being.

    (Twilight Zone theme plays softly in the background)

  13. They are the cutest little creatures. I almost cause a 10-car pile up every time one darts across the street...I don't think I could bear to run over one of these little fellows

  14. It's all that pink in the background that made you crazy. It shows the squirrel off nicely, but reflects badly on you.

  15. It definitely sounds like you have a love/hate relationship with them, Ratty...
    Now what do we do about it?
