
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Depraved Ducks

I'm going to tell you a little story about some mallard ducks I saw. You'll see by the pictures that this is a true story. Or at least crazy imaginative speculation by an Everyday Adventurer who likes to pretend he's a rat. When it's all over I guess it's up to you to decide what's real and what's just nonsense from the mind of a quiet explorer.

You see, when I got to the lake I noticed that, unlike the summer months, most of the ducks that were swimming here were males. You can tell the males by their brighter gray bodies and their dark green heads. Female mallards are pretty much all shades of brown. That's the female in front of the three males in the back.

As you can see, the female is swimming past the three males. She seems to be moving past at a nice pace, unlike the males who are just lazily floating there in one spot. One of those guys is obviously showing off, by flipping his wings back a little, to anyone willing to watch. That's when this pretty little female came into view.

As soon as those two on the left saw her they quickly lifted their heads up and took notice! The one in the back suddenly appears to be much bigger than he was before. He also has his mouth hanging open. I don't know what happened here, but that poor little girl duck seemed to suddenly become so frightened that she took off like a shot.

One of those two jerks must have said something very rude to her. The third male, the one on the right, seemed oblivious to the whole thing. He was obviously not with those other two, who were clearly up to no good. As those two villains watched, the little female duck sped past as if her tail was on fire!

Of course, once the two bad guys saw that the sweet little female duck was too fast for them, they clearly lost interest. The big one in the back turned to see to other matters as if he had done nothing wrong at all. The guy in front still stared at the retreating female, probably snickering to himself. And just like that, it was all over.

This all reminded me of the old stereotype of the group of lazy construction workers who liked to stand at the edge of the sidewalk while eating their lunch, yelling insults and catcalls, and generally harassing every female that passed by. After seeing this scene I began to wonder if other animals do things like this too. What do you think? Do jerk ducks like this exist?

(Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been very active in the comments section here or at your blog. I've just been recharging my batteries a bit so I can come back with more energy and enthusiasm. I'll be back to making obnoxious comments all over the internet very soon.)


  1. I'd to think that creatures in nature are gentler to each other..It must be the female duck gives those males a cold shoulder!

    Beautiful pictures, Ratty!

  2. Hi Ratty- what a great post. I have seen ducks do this quite often but never thought about it in the way you did- you did make me giggle out loud to myself!

  3. i have never thought about actions of animals being like humans...hmm, interesting. have a great day ratty...hugz!

  4. They do seem to be having some sort of interaction like that, don't they! PJ- you must be one of the few people in the world who don't impose human actions on animals! It's fun... jump in.

  5. Human are animals too, am I right?
    Ha ha!! I am stucked in the comment by PJ and Sharkbytes.

    By the way, the wasp that I have found is not actually a wasp. It is a stilt-legged fly, and is corrected by Gallicissa.

  6. Oh I think you are totally correct on this point. That's exactly what it looks like. Gave me a laugh this morning!

  7. Only you would think like that Ratty!! Ha! But some animals do compete for the attention of females and can get very aggressive towards one another when they do. I think male ducks probably show off a bit too, trying to get the female's attention. That's nature!! You are right on about those construction workers. I know. I used hang with a bunch of them years ago. My ex was one..Ha!

  8. I am SURE you are right, Ratty...I mean those male birds all have to have bright, colorful feathers and have the ability to puff their feathers up to make complete fools of themselves and pretty much chase the poor girls all over the place to get "a date". No wonder the girls run.
    A little finesse might help them, but they just don't get it. ha
    Of course in nature, the aggressive male IS the one that gets the female, so maybe we do resemble the animals?

  9. I miss my ducks, lovely post thanks!

  10. I'm afraid ducks are famous for gang bangs. I'd say your pretty little female had a lucky escape.

  11. jakill's comment made me laugh, but I did enjoy your little story. Hope you are feeling more energy soon, we all get burnt out.

  12. Ratty..I think you have hit the nail on the head with your summarizing paragraph...we are all animals and this is natures way...the only difference between humans and animals is that in our kind it is the females that preen themselves up to attract a mate and in all other species the blokes have to do all the hard work....if only!!!!!

  13. I take comment breaks all of the time, Ratty. Enjoy your time off and just read the blogs. That's the nice thing about EC, you can tell when folks stop by even if they don't comment. And that is okay.

  14. I like your theory. I'll bet that the male duck that was pretending not to be involved with the other ones was the foreman on the job. He was enjoying it but since he was the boss he had to act cool.

  15. LOL, lazy construction workers... I love your story Ratty.

  16. Well Ratty, after reading your story and seeing the photos I would say you got it right.

    I have seen the males puff up and show off many times. But then the more they show off the more likely they are to get the girl.
