
Monday, October 12, 2009

Robin Of The Fall

They've come back, even though they never really left. American Robins were the very first bird I was ever able to get a good picture of. I have had many pictures of them since then, and they are now one of the first I was able to capture with my zoom lense.

There had been a time for awhile last summer when I would find hundreds of these birds foraging the forest floor. Many times when I thought I heard a squirrel playing around under some old leaves it turned out to be a robin or several of them. I would turn to get a picture of them in the dark forest, and they would either fly away or the picture would come out blurry.

I was having that problem with them for quite some time. It was just that they were in the forest and the lighting was too dark for the camera to get a good shot of any moving things. If I had a still shot the camera would focus easily, but if anything at all was moving the camera would only get a blur because the movement in the dark was confusing it. I'm still trying to work that problem out.

Now with the coming of fall the lighting is again changing, and so are the habits of all of the animals, especially the birds. Some of the summer birds have gone south to warmer climates. And some are eating as much food as they can so they can fatten up in preparation for a long winter. These last will stay here through the winter.

Robins are of the latter group. I'll be seeing them here all winter long, and I hope to get even better pictures of them than ever before. These that I have for you today are maybe the best so far. They are at least the closest shots I have, and with the zoom lense I didn't have to work so hard to move in closer. This is exactly what I bought it for.

I found these robins in the meadow where I see many of the other birds I find. I'm hoping to be able to identify many more birds now, and it's only a matter of time and patience. Maybe there will be more robins around, but there will be others. Today it's robins, tomorrow it's the world!


  1. Great photos, the lighting is excellent and that's hard to get in the forest. Robins are one of my favorite birds, so much fun to watch.

  2. Greetings from Linda Ave.Un Creativity and imagination photos of Jose Ramon

  3. How beautiful, the bird and the berries make such a wonderful picture.

  4. Hi Ratty- I love the color coordination of the Robin and the berries and some of the leaves. I know you worked hard to set that up.

  5. what a beautiful robin of the fall! it's always a joy to watch birds, being able to photograph then clearly is a priceless bonus!

  6. yay for your zoom lens! these are fantastic! i love robins and their chirping sounds. have a wonderful day...hugz!

  7. Robins have disappeared from here. :( They are migratory in my area...strange since it does not snow. Our population must be pulled biologically by other means then weather and temperature. BUt spring they are here EVERYWHERE!! You got some really good pictures here, Ratty. Two of our winter birds have arrived in the past week: white crowned sparrows and golden crowned sparrows. I will strive for some pics!

  8. HI Ratty- great pictures of that gorgeous bird. Your robin is so different to our robins over here. It is strange- I see that with many of your bird pictures you put up. The Goldfinches for example. Great work as always :)

  9. Your are having a fantastic zoom lense, it works so well.
    The robin is telling the fact.

  10. Hi Ratty, those pictures are great. That lighting thing can be a pain in the butt. You are really coming along with that zoom lense of yours

  11. some lovely pictures..we have a resident Robin come to feed in our garden every year but the british robin looks very different...Maybe I'll see if I can get a pic some time!!

  12. These look completely different to English Robins. Great pictures again, maybe you could post some tips?

    What are the orange berries?

  13. I haven't seen any robins here anymore this fall...they may be here somewhere, but I am just not seeing any.

  14. Beautiful photos. it looks like a clear, sunny, lovely day.

  15. How beautiful that Robin looks amongst the fall colors. He blends right in. You sure got some great shots Ratty!!

  16. Brilliant captures! The little fellow was well camouflaged by the leaves to be spotted.

  17. Beautiful Robin. The color of the bird blends nicely with the tree leaves and fruits.

  18. Fantastic shots! Birds are just the kind of things I can never, ever get photos of!

  19. Beautiful pictures of the robin, with a touch of autumn..
