
Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Evil Forest Watcher

There is something sinister in the forest. I never knew what evil lurked in the trees until I got my zoom lense. That lense has revealed the awful truth of what has been spying on me as I made my trips through the woods. These terrible beasts are the ones that wait and watch and plan and plot.

I knew there was something there, but I only saw movement when I looked above. The leaves of the trees obscured what was sizing me up as I innocently looked to the trees for an exciting new adventure. But as I looked at the pictures when I got home I saw that it was a dark creature with long sharp claws. I could only imagine the razor sharp teeth it must have.

Then as I continued to go through my pictures it began to get clearer. The creature was an evil bat-like thing that must have meant to swoop down on me and tear me apart! How could I ever go back there with the thought of these malevolent things watching me through the trees. I would never see them coming! What could I do?

Just by looking at the picture above, I just knew that I must have narrowly escaped the evil grasp of this horrible beast. Or maybe it was a scout for the other terrible things that lurk in the dark forest. Was it part vampire? Would it come down and take my blood? Or would it just tear me limb from limb?

Then as I moved on to the next picture I realized it was only a nice little black squirrel that had been caught in the wrong light. How foolish I felt after letting my imagination run wild. How could I ever believe that a cute little animal like this could hurt someone like me? All it seemed to be doing now was eating an apple.

This just goes to show you that appearances are deceiving. The little squirrel had most likely just been watching to make sure I wasn't a threat. It was probably bracing itself to run away. The evil look was a look of fear. What does this tell us about other animals that we don't like the looks of? Or even other people?


  1. First thought was "Don't judge a book by it's cover"
    This is especially true if you are viewing the cover through a tree full of
    However, it did make for an interesting start to a story
    Have a great day

  2. Great story, Ratty! That black squirrel looks mean in some poses..

  3. The first photo looks like some kind of evil shadow creature lurking. :-)

  4. Don't judge squirrel by its fur :D
    Maybe that black squirrel was scouting on you, ordered by the forest spirit...

  5. So many watchers! We just walk along seldom thinking of them.

  6. I can see how that black scourge of destruction could make you think twice! He had little pointy ears and a look like he meant trouble of one kind or another! I don't think his being a squirrel mitigates his appearance...

  7. I think I trust them, but maybe only foolishly. ha
    I know bees/wasps look innocent, but they sting BAD. I have the swollen finger to prove it.
    So, stay on your toes, Ratty. You are a trusting soul and I don't want you to get hurt.

  8. I've been enjoying all of your black squirrel posts. I need to go into the woods I think. It is the busy time of year for squirrels, though I'm not sure we have black ones. At least I never saw any black ones. They are cute.

  9. What the imagination can do to you when you are alone in the deep woods..LOL I love your wit and stories Ratty. Nice photos of that black squirrel!!

  10. It is our own perception and imagination that spoils our day, and once the truth has been revealed, ahh... what a fool I am.

    I like the way you wrote.

  11. You never know who is watching you when you are outside. I had an evil praying mantis giving me the stink-eye the other day. Yikes! She was VERY scary.

  12. You are so right about "looks that can deceive" That guy sure looks mean....but I bet he's just as scared. So are we at times... :)

    Happy Sunday, Ratty!

  13. that was a very nice moral to this adventure. although those squirrels can get mean i would imagine. you have a great day my friend...hugz!

  14. I've never seen a black squirrel. We only have grey and red ones over here. I did read about an albino ones found in a South african park, though!

  15. You had me on the edge of my seat with the beginning of that story. He did look evil and our imaginations can run wild in that type of setting. A great message though how looks are deceiving with people as well.

  16. Brrrrr, you got me going there for a bit!

  17. You never know what lurks in the forest....

  18. nice one! started creepy and ended well... ;)

  19. He does look a little sinister in the second photo. Good shots, that black fur would be hard to capture in a photo. I would love to see a black squirrel in person but there are none here.
