
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Squirrels Are My Friends

When I woke up this morning I remembered the crazy things I said in my post from yesterday. I thought it had to be a dream or something. Squirrels spying on me? It has to be a ridiculous notion, right? Then I checked my blog just to make sure everything was normal there. There must be a polite little post about a cool looking tree or something...

Noooo!  There it was, right there on the front page! That insane post about evil alien squirrels from another place. Where? Another place. Only a crazy person could have written those strange things. I mean, I like squirrels, I really do. They're just innocent little forest creatures that mean us no harm. No harm at all.

I must admit that I haven't been really feeling all that well lately, so that must be what's behind that moment of total insanity. Sure, I remember writing the post, and I remember thinking all of those crazy things, but who in their right mind would really believe anything as strange as what I wrote?

Take this cute little squirrel in these pictures for instance. Just because he stood there watching me for what seemed like an eternity doesn't mean he was spying on me. I know the real reason he was watching me like that. It was because... Um, well, if you don't know by now, I'm certainly not gonna tell you!

It's just... They're not watching me, I tell you! It's all just a coincidence! I know they never paid too much attention to me before. The fact that so many of them seem to study me as if I were some sort of bug just doesn't matter. What really matters is that I got cool pictures of some of the most amusing little forest creatures you've ever seen!

After reading all of the comments from yesterday's post, my mind was soothed even further. All of your kind comments calmed me down considerably and helped me think logically again. The one that helped the most was the comment by SquirrelQueen. She assured me that the squirrels meant no harm. No harm at all. And she should know, she is their queen after all.

There's only one problem I have with all of this. I mean, I know it was just some kind of crazy fever dream or something that made me write those twisted things. But when I decided to go out for awhile, I went to put on my coat and I found something odd.

There were acorns in my pockets! Aahhhhhhh!!!


  1. Careful now....obsession! Actually, your squirrel rants are very entertaining! Thankfully, how ever it works out, they are much smaller than you.....

  2. Hmmm, I"m starting to worry about your squirrel paranoias. actually, I think they do watch you. I think Pixar did a great job capturing the essence of squirrel with Scrat. They mean you no harm, just don't mess with their nuts.

    The squirrels you have been sharing are super cute though so keep em coming!

  3. acorns in your pocket?! yikes, are you morphing from a rat to a squirrel unconsciously? well, no worries, we will still love you if you someday don't come back to your ratty self...hehehe


  4. Your squirrel's story starts to get to me, I'm scared now! :-)

    That's a cute picture of the squirrel!

  5. That is such a great picture of the squirrel. You know, I think they just like modeling for your blog!

  6. This is how you train the squirrel. They are now your pet.
    A few acorns win their hearts.

  7. What make you sure that they are your friends Ratty? Perhaps they have used their "we are friends, not enemy" special alien ray gun to shot at you to hypnotized you?

    Please check your previous post whether you ever said things like "squirrels are my friends"

  8. Ha! Ha! Acorns!! See? They got closer than you thought!! great post Ratty and great photos!

  9. Oh always brighten up my day and put a smile on my face...keep the insanity up!!!!

  10. We used to have a squirrel that I swear used to torment my dog. He would prance back and forth in front of our sliding glass door until my dog was going crazy. I'd swear he knew what he was doing. Hmm, maybe I'm paranoid too?

  11. Acorns, huh??
    Are you sure they are acorns and not handgranades? Better throw them out the door fast Ratty...don't trust the Squirrels...they are little devils!!

  12. Could it be that the everyday adventurer is really a squirrel in disguise. Or perhaps in a past life you were a squirrel and these little guys that have been watching you sense this

  13. Thanks for all of your excellent comments. I'm hoping this little rest I've taken will give me the energy to dive back in to these comments again very soon. In the meantime, I'll try to make sure I visit all of your excellent blogs.

  14. Hey Ratty- very cool post!
    Me and my better half have started doing forest walks on the weekends now. We live so close to magical places but never can be bothered to go there, so we have started now. Funny thing was, I decided to collect loads of acorns and chestnuts for the squirrells in my garden- I'm not quite sure why. I came home with pocketfulls and put some out on my bird feeder the other day. I am most certainly friends with my garden terrors now!

  15. What are you sniffing or smoking out there in the wilderness? :D Your squirrely friends know that you are their paparazzi and they're basically not spying on you but staring into the camera. They want their 15 seconds of fame too. I wish the squirrels I encounter would do the same.

  16. I am absolutely OBSESSED with squirrels so I really enjoyed this post!
