
Friday, July 3, 2009

Times Change

Just recently I told you that I had been writing this blog for one year now. That year has been an eventful one for me. I've been hiking for much longer than that year, but I never took it as seriously as I have this past year. Finding information for this blog is largely responsible for that.

The one thing I try to do here is share information with absolute beginners so they'll be comfortable enough to want to see for themselves what all of this is about. I want them to be able to understand and identify with my experiences so things will be easier for them. I want them to be able to expect to see a group of raccoons or see a garter snake eating a toad, and to know not to panic.

There's only one problem with all of this. I can only show these things through the eyes of a beginner for so long. The more I learn about nature, the more the new things become old. Getting a picture of a robin isn't quite the same for me as it was before. There's not the same sense of childlike wonder for me, no matter how much I try to keep it.

While I was writing my first Rattiversary post, I was looking back at some of the older ones. In particular, there was a post about a large flock of geese. I like geese because they are so comical at times, but I didn't know that back then. Looking at that post made me realize that things had gradually changed for me since then. The geese are fun but they're now old friends and not new wonders.

After changes like this, how do I continue to help beginners. They just may not be able to identify with some of my future experiences. The only solution is to begin to help them in other ways, as well as the stories I like to write so much. I still have to make this fun for everyone, so I'll have to be very creative about some new ideas.

I'll be making some changes here in this second year. I've already started with my hiking tips for beginners and a few other small things. There will be many more changes to come. I hope they make this place better than it ever was before. Some things will be inevitable failures and others might be great successes. I hope I have more of the latter.

As I make these changes, I'll be sure to ask for feedback from all of you. It's important that you like what happens here. While this place is here to help beginners, those of you who are much more experienced with nature are very important to me. Okay, this post has already run on too long. My next post will be here tomorrow in the same place.


  1. Ratty, i understand how is it feel because based on your experienced, the way you do your observation will change too. You are no longer the beginner but still you can help beginners.

    Don't worry your great adventure will always help beginners to start get their backpack and go for hiking...

  2. Rattiversary, now that is vocabulary to put into the dictionary..

  3. Rose - Thanks, I think most of my stories will remain the same, but I worry a little bit that beginners might not understand if I start talking about things like GPS and other things like that. I hope to add new ways to help them so they still like it here.

    Kruel - I stole that one from Rene, one of my other favorites here.

  4. Change is as good as a rest. I look forward to seeing the 'new Ratty' ;0

  5. Whatever you do will be wonderful. I was thinking yesterday about your tips for beginners and I thought perhaps you could add in some photography tips for those of us who are still learning.
    Anyway, I love your blog and your view of life.

  6. Rattiversary? That's a great word! When it comes to my anniversary for my blog, it will be Icyversary! :-)

  7. Don't worry. No matter how much we see there is always something new to make a beginner out of us. Even the old will turn new as you look at things differently searching for that unique photo op.

  8. You have a great dream that you are going to turn into reality, Ratty.

  9. Ratty, you have taught us all so much and continue to do so. I have learned alot by visiting you and look forward to your stories and information. I'd be lost without the Rattiversary :)

  10. Congratulations again Ratty, with the anniversary, comes growth as well. I do understand the change, I think it is part of all of us to grow in whatever endeavor we undertake. Growth is inevitable and that is part of our inspiration and motivation as well. I am sure, your followers and other beginners will find motivation and inspiration from your growth. I too started hiking making a lot of stops with even probably the most unfit looking people passing me. Once, climbing a local mountain here, an old couple, maybe in their 70s stopped to encourage me telling me I could make it, and it was such an inspiration for me telling myself I should continue and while still young take care of my health so that I can still hike when I get as old as them. Now I can just look back and be thankful that I did not give up on the challenges of hiking, and like you, was rewarded with so many sights and gifts from nature. So, I took my inspiration also from people who had lots of hiking adventures already and how their adventures kept them healthy and fit.

    Your writing has a very noble purpose, I am sure, as you write about the changes, your followers will also grow with you, and continue to be inspired. They may still be in the beginning stage, but they would have something to look forward to what they can achieve when as they progress with this very rewarding hobby.

    And yes, like what others have stated here too, maybe you can also share your photographing tips while you hike.

    Again, warmest rattiversary, and looking forward for more of fun to come.

  11. oops, sorry for that very long response, almost like a blog post :)

  12. ratty, you have a wonderful blog here for all that come. i think your tips on the sidebar are a great asset to your site and no matter when a beginner stops here those tips will be right there for them. your adventures are fun, interesting, exciting, and informative. i don't think you should have any concerns about progressing. xoxox

  13. Ratty, you have a great blog and it benefits many of your readers. Some of us have years of experience in the wild and others are just starting out, we all love to read your stories.

  14. Ratty, you can do whatever changes you feel you need to for your blog, but I am happy with it the way it is....if you are enthused, we will be too!
    I hope it continues to bring you joy and not stress and that it enriches your life.

  15. Glynis - Hopefully the new Ratty will look much like the old Ratty, but with some new added depth.

    Mountain Woman - Photography tips is a great idea, and I've already started putting them together. Posts like these take a little more time than my usual stories, so they might be awhile. I will definitely do several different types of camera tips.

    Icy BC - I'd love to take credit for the word, but it was given to me by Rene. I'll be happily anticipating your Icyversary, another good word. I think we've started something fun.

    WiseAcre - I definitely think you're right. There's always something new out there. I think of geese and robins as old, but I learn new things from them all the time. I think my adventures have just begun.

    Rainfield - Thanks, I really hope that happens.

    Poetic Shutterbug - Thanks. That really makes me feel good for you to say that.

    Betchai - Your comment was not too long at all. That was one of the most inspirational things I have ever read. I am greatly honored that you wrote it here. Thank you!

    PJ - Thank you. I hope the tips and some other things I'm planning to add, along with my stories, help and entertain everyone, new and experienced.

    SquirrelQueen - Thanks. That's my main goal, to entertain the experienced people like you, and to help teach the inexperienced.

    The Retired One - Along with the changes, I will be keeping everything that I already do. I will be trying to add a few things to what is already here. It's been a goal I've had all along. I just first needed the experience to do it.
