
Monday, June 29, 2009

One Whole Year

I started this blog one year ago today. I've never done a post about milestones before, and I probably won't do any more. The subject of the blog is not about me. It's about the everyday adventures I have, and the fact that we can all do many of these things. I just simply try to be a guide to a world of discovery.

What I'm going to show you for this one special day are some pieces of my posts from the past. Some of them you may already know, and some you may not. Some of the very earliest are actually the whole post because I wasn't yet very comfortable with my writing. Now I have trouble keeping things short.

I hope you will like this look back through the past. This is going to be a long one, so you don't have to look at everything or even click the links, but you can if you want to. This is only meant to be a fun look at what was. I'll start with my very first post...

Nature Trails - My first post.

Nature TrailHi to anyone seeing this. This is my first post. In upcoming posts, I will look at nature trails and show locations of a few of my favorites. Nature trails are some of the best free adventures you can find. As time goes on I will show different places to see, and the writing will get better. Any comments are of course welcome.

I was walking along this trail and there it was. It was standing there as if it were posing for me. My first deer! This is why I'm doing this. What a great feeling this is. I only got two similar shots and when I looked again it was gone. This is what makes a great adventure, and something positive that adds to the improving story of my life.

In this picture is something really different than I expected to see. I'm usually on the lookout for an animal or a cool looking plant in these nature areas, but as I always tell people, the fun part of an everyday adventure is that I never know what I'm going to see.

Advice From A Caterpillar - The very first appearance of Alice.

"Who are you?" said the Caterpillar.

Alice replied, rather shyly, "I-I hardly know, sir, just at present-at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then."


What do you think the first thing I saw was, when I got to Sumac Pointe? That's right, it was these Geese! They saw me as soon as I saw them. I figured I should walk slowly so as not to alarm them. No need.

I've been taking a lot of pictures of deer lately. As I've encountered them more and more, I've learned a few techniques that help me get pretty close to them. I've learned some of these from other sources, and some I figured out from experience. Some of these are a combination of both.

This is my very first attempt to go hiking in the snow. I didn't get very far, but I got some pictures of it. All of that white mist you see in the air is snow. It was snowing really hard out here! The wind was blowing very hard, and it was probably a bad time to try this. I know I'll be doing it again, it was fun!

Find The Squirrel It's Game Time...

A while back I had a little game here. There was a squirrel hiding in a photo, and I asked everyone to guess where the squirrel was. It was a fun experiment for me, and I think the squirrel had some fun too. A few of you might remember it, but most of you weren't here yet. So I decided to do it again.

Fiction Friday

ForestThat does it!!! I'm taking over this blog! Ratty is going too far, and it's time for some squirrel to put a stop to it. So this website belongs to us squirrels now. Now I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Nutz, and I represent all the poor defenseless little squirrels.

Nesting GooseIt's time once again for a tour through nature, with your ever humble guide, Ratty, The Everyday Adventurer. It's time to take you to the magnificence of new Spring, and the wonders of life. I will show you the odd, the bizarre, the geese!

I promised yesterday that I would show you some of the pictures of the birds I took when I found a new boardwalk nature preserve. I decided not to wait to show you my absolute favorite. I have many more pictures that are every bit as good, so you may like some of those even better.

These were some of the highlights of the past year here on The Everyday Adventurer. There are many more in the archives. This ends my longest post ever, I hope you liked it anyway. Now we can begin the second year.


  1. happy anniversary ratty, mr nutz and anyone else i may have

  2. Let me one of the first to congratulate you. I actually put you as one of the person whom I am trying to emulate in this blogesphere...

  3. Happy Anniversary Ratty...

    I am sure your one whole year adventure and discovery may inspired lots of people about nature. You have done your part by share it here in your blog. Keep doing it and thanks for being my blogspot friend. :D

  4. You are only one year old, really? It does not match with what I have seen and read about.
    You are a great and hardworking blogger. I mean that!!!

  5. Congratulation on your one year anniversary.
    It's an enjoyable for me to visit your blog!

  6. Congratulations and happy one year! You have a great site and lots of pictures of wild creatures to enjoy. Thanks

  7. Congratulations Ratty, to consistently keep writing greats posts every day for a year is quite an achievement. :-)

  8. Congratulations and happy anniversary! I love your blog, it always makes me feel so peaceful.

  9. happy blogversary ratty! i loved the walk down memory lane which entices me to go back to the beginning of this blog and read on through. your adventures are awesome and i want to thank you for sharing them.

  10. Happy blogging Anniversary, my friend.
    I have enjoyed your posts for a long time...I must have discovered you toward the beginning, but I wasn't there for your first. I am glad you are writing more and more...your stories are cute and imaginative, and your photos are getting better and better.
    Keep blogging, we all enjoy them!

  11. What a great year it has been! Your adventures have been fun and your telling of them even more fun. Your Mother Goose is very proud of you.

  12. looks like you've had some great adventures in the past year Ratty!! Great photos also and great posts!! I really enjoy them and look forward to another year of your adventures.

  13. Congrats Ratty Keep on adventuring....

  14. happy anniversary and hope the everyday adventurer will continue to awe us with his adventures.

  15. Happy Anniversary Ratty :)
    Looking forward for more exciting adventure from you.

  16. Happy Rattiversary. I sympathize about long posts. When mine are too short, I feel like I'm cheating, though. :)

  17. Ann - Thanks. I don't know if Mr. Nutz would thank anyone. He's my evil nemesis and a big trouble maker.

    kruel74 - I am greatly honored because I consider that a very huge compliment.

    Rose Ragai I hope I have helped a few people to learn about and love nature. Thank you too. You've also been one of my best friends here. :)

    rainfield61 - Only one year means there are still many things I have to learn. I just try to feature the things I know, and I try not to do things too quickly that I haven't learned yet.

    Icy BC - Thanks. I'm glad we found each other's blogs so we both can enjoy them.

    Mike - Thank you. I hope to make this place bigger and better in the next year.

    John | English Wilderness - Thanks. It has mostly been easy because it issomething I have loved doing. :)

    Split Rock Ranch - Thanks. It's good to know I can help. That has been my goal all along.

    PJ - Thanks. I've been happy to share my adventures. I'm more happy to have found people like you who actually want me to share them.

    The Retired One - Thanks. I love doing both the stories and the pictures. My stories started out very short, much shorter than I wanted. It took me awhile to get them where I wanted. I'm glad you and others like them. I'm very self conscious of the stories sometimes.

    Mother Goose - Thank you. A mother is often the first one we want to please, even if she is a goose.

    Ginnymo - Thanks. I hope to make the upcoming year even better than the first. I hope I have learned a few things since the first year.

    JOE TODD - Thanks. I'll do my best, and you do the same. :)

    betchai - I'll definitely continue to try. Your adventures may be more awesome than mine though.

    vanilla - Thanks. I hope to have more good ones to come.

    Rene - I like that word, Rattiversary. I feel the same about long and short posts. It's sometimes difficult to find a happy medium.

  18. Your blog is a great success: wide readership, very high PR and most of all, a very consistent post. Amazing!

    Congratulations fellow blogger! Keep the good stuff up!

  19. Hiking in the snow sounds like an exciting activity but I can only imagine how difficult it would have been. The cold itself makes one tired... :(

  20. I love that that very close up and looks so real (it looks like moving even in the photo) caterpillar. Hmmm.... and it's talking and making conversations huh! :) Beautiful..and very fat creature, so much leaves around to munch I believe. :)

  21. Ratty, congratulations on your anniversary. You have a great blog and I always look forward to reading your adventures.
    Sorry I didn't get over yesterday to congratulate you, I was having connection problems with the computer.

  22. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your year!

  23. Ratty! I like it. Don't be shy about sharing milestones. I really didn't know how young you are.

  24. Some Explorations - Thank you. Most of these things came without me trying to get them. I will admit that I've worked hard to get more people to like reading my posts.

    Food Life and Goodness - Hiking in the snow can sometimes be fun, but you are right, it is sometimes also very difficult. You can learn a lot about animal tracks with snow.

    Details In The Tails - That caterpillar has a very interesting story to tell. It began one of my most interesting adventures. Check my labels section for Alice. You might like some of those posts very much.

    SquirrelQueen - Thank you. Don't worry about getting here yesterday to see it. I've been having a lot of computer problems myself. I'm very behind on most things right now too because of that.

    Glynis - Thank you. I wouldn't be able to share if I didn't have wonderful people, like you, to share it with.

    Sharkbytes - I've actually been using the internet before the Web took hold. I'm new to doing my own blog, but I closely watched the whole blogging thing develop. As far as the milestones, I'm still very uncomfortable talking about myself, so those might come better as I loosen up a bit.
