
Monday, June 8, 2009

Nesting Goose Update 5 - Babies

In the last couple of weeks the crowds of geese had begun disappearing from the nature parks around me. They were leaving and I thought I wouldn't see many of them for awhile now. It wasn't too bad, but I also had not seen the babies of the nesting goose I was watching a little while ago. I thought I'd never get to see them, but I'm happy to say that I found them!

For anyone interested here are links to all the updates about this nesting goose. These updates contain all of the changes she went through each time I saw her. From the first time I saw her on the nest, all the way to her disappearance, including pictures of the eggs she laid.
Go ahead and read the other updates. This story will be here when you come back.

When I first heard the geese I was at the other end of the park. It's not a very big place, but it packs a lot of nature and a nice short hike in this little nature park. I didn't plan on getting many pictures when I got there. I just went to relax a bit.

Anyway, when I heard the honking sounds of the geese I was glad a few geese were back in the park. I figured I'd probably take a few pictures for myself, but it wasn't anything important. I had no idea I'd find something special when I reached the back of the park.

When I got back there I immediately knew that this family of geese was the one I was watching before. I saw them through the trees heading for the shore before I got all the way back to the viewing area. I had to run to get close to them before their swim was over and they went back to their hiding place.

When the babies were still in the eggs there were seven altogether. It might be hard to see in these photos, but it looks like five of the babies survived up to this point. I haven't seen them in awhile so they are already getting big. I didn't get to see them when they were newborn, but I'm glad to see them now.

The day they disappeared I saw another family of geese on the nearby shore. They also had five little goslings. At that time those babies were about the same size as these are now. But how do I know these are the family of my nesting goose, and not that other family?

I can positively tell you these are the right geese. You'll have to come back in the next few days to read more so you can find out how I know all of this. There's an even bigger story here that explains the whole thing. You don't want to miss this!


  1. That was so nice to see your goose family again! This update leaves my heart with a happy feeling..

  2. AAw... Those duckling so cute!! :)
    It's not easy for newborn to survived, this reminded me somehow of turtle's eggs..
    The babies fighting to get to the sea while all the predator having a party..

  3. You are becoming quite the goose whisperer to be able to tell geese apart. I'll await your secret. Aren't those surprises always so nice?

  4. You watched the eggs being hatched, the goslings have then grown up, get married, give birth to another babies,......

  5. oh, that was great to see the family again. just seeing them in pictures and remembering the nesting stories of the past really brings a gift of happiness.

  6. From what the mama goose had to endure due to where she had her nest, it is good to see the happy family again and that the babies are healthy and growing! It is raining today and cold, so I am being a wimp and not going out to photo anything! ha

  7. There are some geese families at the golf course I play at. A couple of years ago they almost had to move the tee box in order to accomadate the nesting goose

  8. Oh! I am so happy that you found your family of geese Ratty!! The photos are wonderful!!!

  9. That is very cool, Ratty! I would love to follow a bird family from mating to fledging. Great job documenting this!

  10. It's funny coz you make the gosling really appear as "babies" when I read it... interesting! I never knew nothing about geese before also because I was afraid that they'd attack me!

  11. I never knew anyone who's taken such profound interest in geese than you! Anyway, you are into nature and I know that it's an amazing thing. We look forward to see lots of nature stuff around here.

  12. Hooray!! I'm so glad there was a happy ending to the story!!!

    Now, can you find my frogs??? Yep, the other went last night. I'm hoping there is still a little one in the pond, but I don't think so. :( I'm sad about losing them. But, I did go and buy 2 tadpoles today--I'm not the type to sit around and cry for too long.

  13. I also took myself a few nature photos and too see natural stuff that just grow around, and smell these plants is just a beautiful feeling... For the geese, I love their slender necks.

  14. I also love it when animals such as birds, geese, ducks and everything just scatter around the park plus here in Netherlands there's a lot of canals and little ponds, it's really beautiful!

  15. Yay for the goslings Ratty!! You must be so proud! Great shots.

  16. Icy BC - My heart has a happy feeling from seeing these geese again too. I thought I never would see them.

    Vanilla - You're right, it is kind of like baby turtles. I kind of wonder what happened to the two hatchlings that didn't survive.

    Sharkbytes - I'm actually even beginning to be able to tell the mother and father apart, but only by their actions.

    Rainfield - It has been fun watching their life cycle. Pretty soon they'll all fly away forever.

    Betchai - I hope to see them a few more times before they eventually fly away too.

    The Retired One - I was very relieved to find out the family was okay. It's been raining here too. Today there is good weather. Tomorrow the rain starts up again.

    Joe Todd - That's the hard part of anything done in an area with a lot of nature, like a golf course; the wild animals always have to be taken into consideration, even when it becomes very inconvenient.

    Ginnymo - I was happy and relieved to see them again. Thanks about the pictures, I've been having trouble with my camera settings lately.

    Rene - I actually didn't think of it that way, but I have been following them that long.

    I Love Philippines Too - Thinking of them as babies is the exact feelings I hoped you would have about the geese. I don't get very close to them either, because you are right, they might attack if they are angered.

    Returning Comment - I take such an interest in the geese because I really do like watching them. I hope you get to see plenty of nature too.

    Lin - I'm glad for the happy ending too. I was so disappointed when they disappeared before.

    I hope your frogs just went for a stroll. Maybe they found themselves a bigger pond. Hopefully the new tadpoles will stay longer.

    RojenU - Nature Photos are fun. I'm glad you like to do it too. I like those geese's slender necks too.

    Webbielady - That would be beautiful to see the animals in your canals and little ponds. I wish I could see them too.

    Kallen - I'm mostly just relieved to see that they are alright. Your falcons must be at least as exciting to watch.
