
Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Sound Of Nature

Today I have another challenge I'm going to try. I've shown you very many pictures of nature here, and yesterday I talked about the smell of nature. Now I want to talk about the sound of nature. I could easily just post a few sound files, but where would the fun be in doing that? I wanna talk!

As you might have noticed I've been thinking a lot about senses other than just sight lately. The reason is that these others have really been strong. It's as if they have been jumping out at me in the last few weeks. All of the senses together are what help us appreciate the world around us.

The last several times I've entered my current favorite nature park, I've heard the most interesting sound. In the tall grass before I enter the forest there are many insects. Most flying insects make a buzzing sound with their wings. In this grass I have been hearing sounds like tiny airplanes or helicopters.

These sounds have that same sputtering hum of a propeller on an old airplane, except they are small. The sound is much bigger than from a normal insect though. I've never seen these insects, but I keep expecting to see something as big as my hand rise up out of the grass. My hands are like my feet. Big.

When I enter the forest, the first thing I hear is the sound of dozens of chirping birds. There are so many that I can't tell them apart. Some of these bird calls are the sweetest sounds you would ever want to here. Others are an ugly caw or croaking sound. Sometimes I even get to hear the curious sound of an owl.

At certain times in this same area I've heard the chirps of hundreds of frogs in the vernal pond that's to the left of the trail. I've told that story before if you want to read it. This is also the area where I usually begin to hear the noisy sound of some of the more obnoxious and inconsiderate humans. Some are more well behaved than others though.

As I move deeper into the forest I'll begin to hear the rustling of leaves. It's sometimes just the wind, but often times it will be a mischievous squirrel or a robin foraging the forest floor for a meal. Sometimes an even louder almost crashing sound means there is a deer that just noticed my presence.

In the winter and early spring when the wind blows the trees will sway and crash together. This is a dangerous time for anyone in the forest. Even a small wind can break large tree trunks that are bare of their warm weather leaves. I've witnessed this a few times. It sounds like a giant wrecking ball when it crashes and tears through the side of a house. It's a scary experience to be close to that sound.

I told you a few months ago at the end of winter about a very strange and curious sound I heard. It sounded like a rumbling train or a wooden crunching crash, like a giant eating a tree. The sound was coming from the lake. When I approached, it was like being in an earthquake. It turned out to be the thin ice cracking because of the warming weather.

Speaking of the lake, the sound of water running from the dam at the end of the lake is fun to hear. It must be the same at a waterfall. All of that rushing water crashing to the river below. This amazing roaring sound is one of my favorites. When the lake is full after a rainstorm, the water rushing over this dam can drown out everything.

Another great sound is of a gently flowing river or a creek. This is probably the most soothing sound you will ever hear in nature. This is in huge contrast to the violence of a dam or waterfall. I think the trickle of running water can consistently put any human to sleep. Just think of that gentle sound of flowing water and your eyes might begin to close.

What sounds do you hear from nature? Any sound will do. Is it in the forest, or even right in the city? Maybe it's a sound just outside your window. The sound of nature is everywhere. All you have to do is listen. It can be pleasant or unpleasant. There are so many. What do you hear?

Oh, I almost forgot one. The last sound I'll mention here is the obnoxious but fun sound of honking geese. I saved this sound for last for one simple reason. It's a very obvious clue to my post for tomorrow. I think you've guessed what it will be about. Don't worry, I have a very fun surprise for you tomorrow. I'll talk to you then.


  1. I like the sound of water in the river but the river must be clean. That was one of the most beautiful sound I have ever heard plus a green water, surrunded by jungle... It's really beautiful.

    The river I am refering to can be really found here... the first image was us, my friends and I...

  2. The sound of the jungle is really interesting. It is both beautiful and can be scary at times but all the same, the sound of nature is beautiful.

  3. Definitely ambience of nature in deed! Deafening silence. Excellent work here

  4. The sound of nature and the smell of nature are two things I really enjoy. Where I live (Ohio) it is difficult to be rid of (human noise) so one can enjoy the sounds of nature. Just can't be rid of overflying airplanes. Thanks

  5. I can relate to all of those sounds, as we hear them at our favorite spots in the U.P.too.
    Now that we are doing a little more birdwatching, I can start to differentiate the bird calls more.
    I think my favorite is the bubbling brooks though..very relaxing!!!
    The only sound I do NOT like is the buzzing of mosquitos!

  6. The sudden loud crashing sound by those monkeys in the silent jungle is sometimes scary. Otherwise, musics by the insects, birds, leaves or waterfalls are sweet.
    There was once a veteran hiker who used to sing out loud along his way, powerful sound!!
    And some of us like to shout out loud occasionally to help pumping out CO2 for more O2.

    These are the sound of the jungle.

  7. I sometime wonder if we as humans are worthy of such beauty! Enjoyed todays entry as I have all others.

  8. Well then this is perfect! If there is a smell of nature there is a sound too! A perfect combination! :-)

  9. Hi Ratty- I wish I were better at the sounds. I know some birds, and some frogs, but I have friends who can really tell all of them! For sure a campsite by quiet water is relaxing. A campsite by a rushing waterfall leads to dreams of roaring trains, torrential storms and other non-relaxing effects!

  10. Some Travels - The sound of a river is one of the best nature sounds. I'm lucky because there is a lot of water here. Most of it is very clean, but there are some polluted rivers in the industrial areas.

    I looked at your river, and it looks like a great place. We have places like that here too. A boat ride on a river can be extremely fun.

    FoodLifeGoodness - I've only heard the sound of the jungle on TV, but you're right, it does sound beautiful and a little scary. Our forests can be much the same.

    Roentarre - Silence in nature can be great. Too much silence can sometimes mean danger.

    Joe Todd - I have the same problem here. I think of man made sounds as a necessary evil, when a plane flies overhead or when a freeway is too close. I just filter them out and enjoy the rest.

    The Retired One - I'm just beginning to differentiate bird calls myself. The only one I've definitely learned is the cardinal though. I hate the sound of mosquitoes too, especially when I forgot my bug repellent.

    Rainfield - When I hear a sudden crash it's usually a deer, but that sound sometimes scares me too. I wonder if the hiker sings to scare away dangerous animals.

    I've heard of shouting for this reason, maybe from you. It sounds like a good idea. I'm going to start doing it too. Thanks for describing the jungle. :)

    A.J.Johnson - I think we are worthy as long as we appreciate it and we don't abuse it. If we are unworthy we usually destroy it and then it's gone. That's how we learn that lesson.

    Daisy - Yeah, they do seem to go together. I've been thinking of them together. The only thing left would be touch, but I don't touch unless I'm comfortable with those things of nature.

    Sharkbytes - I wish I were better too. My only teacher for nature is the internet, or my dad who doesn't live close by. I was recently surprised by how much he knows. I can see where setting up camp by a river might be an unrelaxing experience.

  11. beautiful photos, and beautiful post. the sound of nature at most times is refreshing, but sometimes can be scary too.

  12. The photos are wonderful as is your description of the sounds. There is nothing like the music of nature.

  13. lol be careful in touching indeed! Esp on bugs and wild animals. ;-p

    Btw, thanks for the prayers for Luke! His family will be happy to know how many people is extending the prayers and wishes.

  14. Lovely descriptions!
    I have for my sounds: Cockerals, tractors, birds of many types,frogs after the rain in Feb. The popping of grasses in the harsh sun, the ferral toms calling (ugh), dogs barking, Greek music from the coffee shop in the distance. A singing canary on the porch and Cicarders calling(spelling apologies). In the winter it is scattered with hunting guns. Sometimes there is just the breeze in the palms.

  15. Betchai - Thanks. The scariest sounds for me are when I hear a tree falling in a windstorm.

    SquirrelQueen - I always love that music of nature. I usually try to hum along with it.

    Daisy - Some plants like poison ivy are not so good for touching either. I don't know all of the poisonous plants yet so I leave them all alone.

    Glynis - I like all of those sounds, except maybe the guns. Guns are too noisy for me. Tractors of course remind me of farms, and I really like farm sounds.

  16. That is just how I walk around too. Listening to everything. I sit working at my computer with the chirping of ground squirrels from the north of our property and the cackling of hens from the back. Then the leaves rustling outside my window are just lovely. I knew there are others like you who notice these things. Often I feel like I am the only one!!!

  17. Julia - I often feel like I'm the only one too. I guess it's because I'm alone when I hear the sounds. :)
    Sound is a part of nature that most of us don't consciously think of because it's so difficult to put into words here on the internet.
