
Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Honking GeeseIt seems to be goose week so far this week. I'm not going to say as much as usual for this post, because I think the photos speak (Or is that honk?) for themselves. These geese were making a lot of noise when I was watching them.

I tried desperately to get a picture of a goose in mid-honk, but I didn't know if I got any. I had no idea what I had until I got home. What I got was purely by accident. I didn't get the ones I tried for, but I got even better shots than what I was trying for. Take a look. You can even see their tongues sticking out.

Honking GeeseCan you guess what the dancing goose from yesterday was really after?

Honking GeeseLook at that! He got a response.

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  1. He was angry and gave you the warning sign. He needed a romantic atmosphere without you for his love affair. I hope not to see you was locked in comment section again.

  2. We have been seeing geese over her on the west side of Michigan as well. I hear them often. They frequently spend time along the stream that flows under the road and across the pasture on the other side. The neighbor's pond is a bit small, so I don't see them gliding across the water over there very often. -- Chuck

  3. I see geese almost everyday (in St. Louis). honk!

  4. Rainfield - I should have known. I've been in his position before. I definitely will not be starting a war with the geese. Things would not turn out very well for me.

    Chuck - They're about to come back here in a big way. When it gets a little warmer they'll be here by the thousands. They love to gather outside my window very early in the morning and cause trouble.

    DNLee - They're here most of the time too. The only times I don't see them are in the coldest days of winter.

    Twisted Scrapper - I'm glad you like them. I thank you, and the geese thank you.

  5. They want to make MORE geese. More honkin' geese.

  6. It looks to me like they are having a grand old time. Love these posts. They are so cute.

  7. I think they were necking.

    GET IT?
    NECKING!!! bwaahaaahaaa.........

  8. Sharkbytes - Somebody needs to tell them to slow down a bit then. We don't need any more geese.

    Jodapoet - This is the beginning of goose party season. As far as the posts, blame it on the geese. :)

    The Retired One - I don't get it. Just kidding. :)

  9. Looks like geese are back here too. See them flying over house all the time. Anna :)

  10. Anna - The geese are fun to watch. I've been seeing them on the ground more than in the air, but I really love watching them fly past.

  11. i agree with sharkbytes, they want to make more geese and i love it they make more geese :)

  12. Betchai - I just got back from another trip to the same place, and I think you're both right. The geese are having a huge party out there.
