
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dancing Geese

Dancing GooseI don't know what gets into these geese sometimes. Unlike squirrels, geese seem to like having their picture taken. While other animals run and hide so they won't be captured forever in a photo, a goose will do anything to get on camera.

These Canada geese are wild, but they got up on a submerged log in the water and began to dance just so I would notice them. Honestly, the dancer in the picture actually called me over with a few honks so I would watch. Up until then I was on the far side of the fishing platform.

I hope they weren't expecting me to give them a snack, because I never carry anything with me. I would probably get mobbed by them if I did have anything. Geese can get pretty rowdy sometimes. They stood there dancing and calling to me for a long time while I was there.

Dancing GooseThe one on the left seemed to be the most enthusiastic about the whole thing. It was moving around and doing all sorts of strange things while I was watching. I personally think he was just a trouble maker.

That's why I call him a he. I don't think a female goose would cause such a ruckus as he did. He even began to aggravate the other geese as time went on. He would turn and honk right in the other gooses face. It was pretty funny.

Okay, that's it for today. I have another post from today just below this one, and I'll be back tomorrow with more goofy stuff from the world of nature. Take a look outside and you might just see something like this yourself.

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  1. Honk honk, honkity honky tonk.


  2. If I take a look outside I shall see sparrows and hear sparrows in the early morning before.

  3. Well, that's a cute and funny-looking dancing goose! :)

  4. They really look like they are dancing... ;)

  5. It does look like their dancing! Hahaha!

  6. Are you SURE you don't look like a female goose?
    Because I think he was doing the mating dance for you, dude.
    Quit flaunting yourself at them like that! (ha!)

  7. These pictures are just plain fun. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  8. Sharkbytes - You ain't seen nothin' yet!

    Rainfield - I've been seeing sparrows too, but they're too quick for my camera so far.

    Carey - I was glad to be there to get the pictures so we all could see it.

    Kruel - They really were dancing, but maybe not just for me.

    Ron - They were dancing, and doing all sorts of strange things.

    The Retired One - When I think back, I was wearing very similar colors as a goose. Maybe I looked especially pretty. :D
    Actually I think the dance was more for the benefit of the one next to him.

    GrottoGirl - I had to keep myself from laughing when I took the pictures, so the geese wouldn't get scared.

  9. Oh, I love them. They are adorable. Great shots.

  10. Poetic Shutterbug - The geese have been on their best behavior so far.
