
Friday, March 6, 2009

Alice Caught The Rabbit

I was sitting at home peacefully watching TV yesterday, when suddenly my front door burst open! Before I could even turn my head to look, I heard little girl laughter. As you have already guessed, Alice had returned!

The first thing she said was, "I caught the rabbit! I caught the rabbit!" Then she began laughing again. As I sat there staring at her in confusion, Alice and her guest, Mother Goose walked in all the way. After a few more seconds, I finally asked her what she was talking about. She told me that before they came here she took some pictures of a rabbit, and she wanted to let me know that I was wrong.

I asked her what I was wrong about. So she told me that I said she couldn't catch a rabbit, but she did it. The last time I was with her, and she chased a rabbit, I stopped her from running into the woods after it. Here's a link to that from one of my earliest posts featuring Alice, and it's one of the incidents where I found out that she was from Wonderland: Down The Rabbit Hole

Alice then asked if she could write another post, so she could tell everyone about it. I told her that she could write part of a post, and I would write the rest. So this was my part. The next part is another special message from Alice, along with her pictures of the rabbit that she caught.

Hello again. In case you were wondering it’s Alice again! I have a special story for you. First I want to tell you, Ratty was wrong about me not being able to catch the rabbit!

Mother Goose and I were walking along, and I looked over in the bushes and spotted a little rabbit sitting there. I pointed it out to Mother Goose. We both agreed that it was the rabbit from my home in Wonderland!

I had Mother Goose give me the camera, and I took four pictures of him. Two pictures are better than the other two. The rabbit kept moving so it was hard, but I managed to get him. So it couldn’t have been too hard. There were two nice people that waited for me to take the picture. The whole time all I thought was I have to get that rabbit so I can prove Ratty wrong!

It was early evening and dark. I didn’t want to scare him so I turned the flash off. His eyes were red when I looked through the camera and now they look like they are glowing. He really blended into the ground so that’s why the picture is so dark, but I still was determined to catch him and I did!

Okay, that's her story. After she emailed it to me, I fixed her grammar just a little bit, and made the photos a little easier to see. She says that she caught that rabbit, and even though I'm still skeptical about it, Ill agree that she did. What do you think? Did she catch it?

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  1. I there. She caught it.

  2. Maybe she caught it on camera. But did she really catch it? Don't let her chase it too far though. She'll end up falling down a rabbit hole.

  3. Well, this is wonderland after all, maybe she just caught the shadow of the rabbit. The shadow would be dark, and the Wonderland rabbit was white. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful "catch!"

  4. What you obviously did not do is check the camera. The rabbit is in the camera. She caught it!

  5. She absolutely caught it. Pretty cool...

  6. Alice is wonderful, she caught the rabbit and same to the rest of us. Now the rabbit is our pet in the Net.

  7. i really like the continuity of the stories here, and since Mother Goose was there, so therefore Alice caught it :)

  8. Sharkbytes - Catching the shadow of a rabbit would be a great story. Maybe next time she bursts in telling me about catching rabbits, I could tell Alice that she's just chasing shadows.:)

    Mother Goose - I hope I can get it out before it starts chewing on everything.

    Jodapoet - I always knew she would someday. She's been pretty determined.

    Rainfield - I'm glad Alice's interNET is big enough for all of us.

    Betchai - I'm surprised that Alice remembers when we saw the other rabbit. I think it was easier for Alice to catch the rabbit with Mother Goose, the ultimate story teller with her.
