
Friday, February 20, 2009

Alice And The Dragons

Fiction Friday

This post is based on some of the things that happened the last time Alice was with me. Some of it is true, and some of it is not. Alice did see dragons, but the rest is just a story.

What is it that Alice is staring at? While I was walking down the new walkway, I saw her looking at something off to the side of the railing. I wondered if she spotted a duck or something walking around down there.

She seemed pretty interested in what it was, because when I asked her she didn't seem to hear me for a second. I asked her again and she said to come and take a look. I wasn't sure what I would find, because she has a habit of dragging parts of Wonderland along with her on our trips.

As I got closer, I noticed something big and dark down there. It wasn't moving so I knew I needed to find out what was going on. We had not seen any animals out here yet, so I didn't think it was anything that might be alive.

When I got there, all I saw were these broken tree branches that were half submerged in the ice of the lake. For some reason they looked strangely familiar though. I couldn't figure it out, and I didn't know why Alice was so interested in them.

She said that winter is a bad time for them. I asked her what she was talking about. She said that some of the dragons didn't like the cold, and they easily froze to death unless they found shelter. I told her that it was only a piece of wood.

She said that wood was what dragons turned into when they died. She said that this one must have been swimming around in the lake when it froze. Now it is stuck there forever, but none of the rest of us know that this wood used to be a dragon.

Here's another poor unfortunate dragon that peaked up out of it's den at the wrong time. Alice spotted this one right away too. She walked over to check on it, and said that it was now turned into wood too.

I asked her if she knew why they turned into wood. She looked at me as if I were stupid and said, "Because they're dead." I thought right then that I should go get the Red Queen after her. That would teach her a lesson.

Instead, I asked again, why is it wood that they turn into when they die? Then she finally explained that it was because they dried out and became petrified. That was also the reason why we never find any dead dragons lying around.

I guess that answered that question. Now we all know what happens to dragons when they die, right from the thoughts of Alice. I wonder if she'll see any other interesting creatures on our next trip together.

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  1. Hey! I have two things,
    1. The last picture looked very much like a dragon.2.Can you also tell Alice I said hi?
    Thanks again.

  2. ttyl (talk to you Later)

  3. What beautiful imagery. Your Alice is very poetic.

  4. Finally I get back the Alice that I use to see before. I like the way Alice thinks about her finding.

  5. Well, how obvious! We could use some more of Alice's explanations of the world.

  6. I like that. Now I can say I heat my house with Dragon bones.

  7. Awesome photos, and I love the story :)

  8. Anonymous - It looked even more like a dragon when we were out there. I will make sure I tell Alice you said hi. I'm glad you've been liking my blog.

    Mountain Woman - When Alice starts talking she sometimes sees the most fun little girl things.

    Rainfield - I'm glad you liked this one. I almost forgot that she talked about the dragons, so I almost didn't make this post.

    Sharkbytes - They always say kids see things like this, but she's the only one I know that does. And she always explains things so logically. It makes me glad she likes nature so much.

    WiseAcre - Now I can tell Alice what happens to the dragon bones. She'll like that.:)

    Twisted Scrapper - Thanks, there's plenty more where that came from.

  9. This post has been featured on my blog's Sunday Spotlight as a gift to you from another blogger. Thank you for a great post! :)

  10. Aywren - I will take a look immediately. A Sunday Spotlight sounds like a wonderful gift. Thanks to both of you! :)

  11. This has got to be one of my FAVORITE blog posts!I must fit in a link to it somewhere on my blog.

  12. Diane KQ - I'm really glad you like it that much! Your compliment is the kind of thing that motivates me to keep trying to do my best. Thank you.
