
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Computer Upgrades

Yesterday I had a very strange adventure. I've been upgrading my computer! That's something that this blog hasn't seen before. I've seen it many times before, because I was a computer geek even before I started exploring nature so much. I still liked nature even back then.

This computer upgrading has consumed most of my time yesterday, so I've kind of neglected you all. Sorry for that. I really didn't know that it was going to take so much time. Today I'm going on a dreaded trip to the doctor, so I might not be much better this time either. I'll do as much as I can, but it will still be lacking.

In the meantime, I thought I'd show you what I just got. I'm still trying to fine tune these things, so things still aren't perfect. So far they have some great points, and some things to get used to.

This is my first flat screen LCD monitor. It's huge!

This is my second TV card. I use my computer for a TV to save time. I love the old one, but it's becoming obsolete.

I hope the pictures tell the story here. If anyone wants more details, I'll be happy to give them in the comments section. I'll talk to you tomorrow with a special Alice adventure for Fiction Friday!


  1. WOW i was surprised when i say your Blog
    And very interesting Post

  2. I don't thing your a computer geek. But that was pretty funny. :)

  3. Then you will be in super speed in the cyberspace after your computer upgrades.


  4. wow, congratulations for the upgrade. hope you feel a lot better.

  5. Richard - It's a little different isn't it? It's one of the things that is dominating my time right now.

    Anonymous - I'm a little bit of a computer geek. I am dressed up like a normal person though. I'm a nature and adventure geek too. I'm like the Indiana Jones of Detroit.;)

    Sharkbytes - Thanks, I thought I'd show a little bit of the computer geek side of me.

    Rainfield - I wish it would put me in super speed, but these upgrades only make things look a little nicer.

    Betchai - Thanks, I'm feeling better now, but all this computer and then doctor stuff took me a long time.

    Sharkbytes - It went ok, but it was very time consuming.

  6. This computer upgrade stuff and my doctor visit has taken up the majority of my time the last few days. Then when I thought I was finally back, my internet connection went down for awhile today. It was unrelated to the other stuff, but it stole the rest of my time. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by Friday.

  7. wow! visiting your blog on the BE Blog Rocket gave me 19 mystery credits! Awesome...

  8. Good luck with the doctor, yuck, and love the computer stuff. I am not very geeky, but know a large flat screen when I see one.

  9. Daisy - Congratulations, those are a lot of credits! If you keep visiting my site, you'll get something even better. A sense of peace and relaxation, and someone who likes to make return visits. Much better than credits.:) Thanks for commenting, Daisy.

    Frances - Thanks, the doctor visit went well. My geek part is fading the more I do the nature stuff, and I didn't want to lose it completely. That's why I did this post (Plus the geek part was freaking out with excitement).
