
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winter Wasteland

What do you do when your living in a winter wasteland? There is snow and snow and more snow. I planned on going hiking today, but the roads were far too snowy to drive for anything but emergencies. I had no choice but to stay right at home.

I looked out the window hoping things would change, but I didn't seem to be having any luck today. I almost decided to stay inside when it dawned on me that I could go hiking right here. So that's what I decided to do.

I walked out of the door and into the street, and I watched the cars going by. Maybe it wasn't a typical everyday adventure for me, but I was determined not to let this weather beat me. If I couldn't see any animals, I could take pictures of something else.

So I started taking pictures of the cars passing by. I stood and stared at traffic until I could get a few good shots of these passing vehicles. These must be the biggest creatures I've ever gotten photos of. Hey, it's better than throwing snowballs at them. That's not really that fun, because for some reason everybody gets so angry when you do that.

After doing that, I decided on another great, fantastic, wonderful adventure. I decided to shovel the snow from my sidewalk. What? You think that's not a fun adventure? You should try it. Come shovel my sidewalk the next time it snows. I guaranty that you'll have fun. If you don't then my name isn't Arthur Fonzarelli.

Oh, wait a minute. That isn't my name! You should still try shoveling the snow from my sidewalk. I guess I can't guarantee fun, because I have the wrong name. But you still might like it. You never know until you try.

After all of that nonsense you're probably thinking I've gone off the deep end. I'm one wave short of a shipwreck. I'm going slightly mad. I could go on and on and on... and on. But that's enough for today.

Oh yeah... I took some good pictures while I was out there. They're only snow and cars, but you can see them just above. That's all from the loony bin for today. I'll talk to you again when I find those last few marbles that I lost. They must be around here somewhere...

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  1. Sounds like someone named Arthur Fonzarelli has a case of cabin fever. Hope you get over the happy daze soon :)

  2. I'd love some snow over here in Ireland ;)

  3. And here we are in shorts and t-shirts. Don't hate us cause we live in warmth. ;-)

  4. WiseAcre - How could you tell?;) Ayyy!

    Daryo - Thank you very much.

    Stephen - Ireland is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Why would you want to ruin it with snow?:)

    Cube - Nooo, it's not fair! I don't even own a pair of shorts.:)

  5. oh well, eventhough I'm here in Windsor Canada, our neighborhood definitely look the same. It's been snowing sine friday here too.

  6. Yup, it's tough when the actual weather, which we like, keeps us from going out in it. Not that stormy here... I didn't realize you were getting a storm over on the E side.

  7. good to know that you took a walk even just at your backyard and neighborhood and still took beautiful pictures for us. I am on the other hand enjoying here a taste of summer right now in San Diego, hihihi, we are in the 70s today, it's a beautiful weekend treat for us, wish I had this weather last thursday. I am not making you jealous though since snow is also pretty, and what I like about it is the peacefulness and serenity of the scenery.

  8. Hi Ratty! Hope you don't mind, but "Tag" you are it! Check out my latest post.

  9. FickleMinded - Hey neighbor! The snow is fun until it decides to go on this long. Maybe we'll get lucky in the next few days, and get a break.

    Sharkbytes - Knowing that the weather is better on your side means that ours might get a little better soon. I can hope! :)

    Betchai - I'm not sure I would know what to do with myself in all that great weather right now anyway. Our winter is only half over and it's already felt long. I guess your good weather is better late than never though. I've always liked snow, it enhances the winter scenery so much. I've actually looked forward to seeing it.

    Scott - I don't mind at all. I played once before, and I wasn't ready at all. WiseAcre was doing me a favor back then. I felt bad about not doing it very well, but I did my best. Now I think I can do it, and I'm happy to give it another go. I'll check out your post as quickly as I can. :)

  10. Don't get me wrong but I would like to join others: I am enjoying the warmth tropical weather right now. The wind is so cooling at night. I am feeling very comfortable.

  11. As long as it is at least 20 degrees, winter is perfect for hiking. Having road closings is a opportunity not to be missed! Leave your hectics behind and enjoy.

  12. Rainfield61 - I think I would like that too, but even though we had some bad weather it's good here. We had a huge storm. It's the same as if it was either snow or rain. When we have a storm like that, no one goes anywhere.

    Hiking Travel - You're absolutely right! I went out today, and got to be all alone.
