
Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Quiet Bridge

Today, since I'm snowed in once again, I decided to show you something that I haven't featured in a long time. This bridge is something I haven't talked about in a long time. I really like bridges very much, and this is one of my favorites.

One of the reasons I like this bridge is because I've never seen another one like it. It turns a corner to lead you into what looks like another world. It's a very quiet place where you can be alone most of the time.

This is a place I discovered by accident. I was walking along a main hiking trail one day when I noticed this small trail that branched off to my right. I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to explore it, so I turned and entered the small trail.

The first thing I noticed was that things got a bit darker here, and the trail was much smaller. I could see why most people wouldn't use this trail. It wasn't the usual walking path. This one was for looking at quiet nature. As things got even darker, there was the bridge off by itself in this hidden place.

It seemed almost a shame to hide this bridge in a lonely out of the way place like this. On the other hand, there was no one else here, so I had this bridge all to myself. I could stand here and relax for a long time with no one to disturb me.

As you can see by the first photo, at the top, that has changed a little bit. There are snowy footprints on my bridge. It seems that as the leaves fell off the trees, this hidden place has been revealed to everyone. Most people still avoid it, but a few adventurous souls have discovered it the same as I have.

I took that first photo just a few days ago. This second one was taken in the middle of the fall. The leaves had changed color from green to shades of brown and red. This is when I first noticed others on the dark path that this bridge leads to.

I actually had a very interesting conversation there with a woman who told me she was looking for mushrooms. It was a good place to do that. She told me about several different kinds of them, which I don't really remember very well. I was also told about two deer she saw just a few minutes before. She was full of stories.

It seems that going out to places like this brings out the story teller in everyone. Everyone I meet on all of these trails has a story to tell me about the places they've been and the things they've seen. These conversations are much better than the boring conversations about normal life, that I usually have to hear everywhere else.

I like encountering those people sometimes, but I also like to be alone on a nice quiet bridge. Back in the summertime when the leaves were green and the bridge was very well hidden, I was always alone here. This was total peace.

I look forward to those days again. I want those warm relaxing days of summer where I won't be disturbed, and I can find a hidden treasure down a quiet path with nobody else around. That's what this bridge means for me. That's it until tomorrow.

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  1. Very interesting to have three pictures been put into comparison. I love the last one which is in my familiar colour. Green is always lively.

  2. Glad to see you're still getting out. Temps here are subzero and I have no urge to go outside.

  3. Yes, good trails will lead you on to... and we just can't resist!

  4. Rainfield61 - I really miss that green color right now. The others are great, but the seasons with green is my favorite.

    WiseAcre - I can't go outside very much right now. We're right in the middle of a huge snowstorm. I still try though.:)

    Sharkbytes - It's the mystery of an out of the way place that always gets me.

  5. i'd also like to think i have my own little quiet place in a trail, and the picture you have of the bridge seems indeed to bring you into a different world. they all look great, but for some reason the third picture seems to tell me it is road to paradise. it's like after i make that turn, i will be covered by the greens and i will be entirely in my own little place.

  6. I love the contrasts. Sort of a road less traveled in Winter. Beautiful shots.

  7. Betchai - That's exactly how I feel when I cross this bridge. At the end of the path beyond the bridge is a hidden river, that no one else seems to know about.

    Jodapoet - I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, and then I remembered that I take pictures of this bridge everytime I go across.

  8. The photos themselves present such a wonderful sight. It must be really thrilling to be in such a place...all on your own....

    I am in the midst of concrete jungle :(

  9. How about living the camera there for a longer time to see the change in the image... like what I found in Yahoo! Nice one...

  10. I have a question for you. Why does the bridge turn to the right when there is snow on it and to the left when there is no snow?
    Mother Goose

  11. RightMan - Yes, it definitely is thrilling. Right now I'm lucky to live where I do. I grew up in the middle of Detroit, so I really understand. But you may be able to find a park or something if you look hard enough. Most cities have a large city park. Even a walk down the sidewalk is preferable to staying indoors.

    Kruel74 - That's a good idea! I've seen things like that too. I'll have to settle for trying to get similar photos over time.

    Anonymous - Simple, it's trying to shake the snow off.:)

  12. wow cool pictures you got there. it's fun to see snow. but i haven't seen anything yet because i'm in a tropical country. hihi.

    nice pics...

  13. Rokster23 - There are a lot of snow pictures here for you. I've seen plenty of snow, and I think it's fun to see it too. I'd like to see a tropical place too. :)
