
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Same Place, New Time

Today I want to show you what the frozen lake looks like now, and what it looked like back in the summer. Since I showed you yesterday an eerie similarity between two different places I know, I thought it would be fun to show you a few now and then photos.

I have two sets of very similar shots that I took. These winter photos were taken a few days ago, and the others were taken at the end of last summer. This is a small park so it was easy to remember to take similar pictures. I didn't even have to think about it that much.

This park is a small part of a much larger park. This is Sumac Pointe, and it is for viewing the lake and other small things like that. It's part of Hines Drive which stretches for miles, and runs through several towns. You can drive through, hike or ride bikes there. I haven't realy talked about it much, but I will some time.

Here's the same view as the first one, but of course from last summer. There are a couple of ducks swimming by in this one. There are no more ducks in the frozen winter of today. I don't think they mind the cold as much as humans do, but there is no place for them to swim now.

Instead of seeing ducks, I saw other people taking pictures of the lake. I don't know why I never take any pictures of that kind of animal. Most of them seem to be more shy around cameras than other animals. There are a few confident ones that don't mind being in pictures. But I guess the rest of us have to hide and admire them for their bravery.

Frozen LakeYou probably recognize this one from yesterday. I don't like showing the same photo two days in a row, but it seems to be a good one to compare with the others. Notice how these two days are so very different from each other.

This one is so dark and gray everywhere. There are ominous looking clouds in the sky. The trees are bare of anything. And of course there is a coating of snow and ice on the lake. This looks like a typical winter scene. If you look at this one it just screams winter at you. It's looks so gloomy out, but it was a very interesting experience being out there.

The older photo below seems so beautiful to me. The skies are bright blue, with fluffy clouds floating by. The trees are full and green. Even the water has some green algae floating in it. It looks so full of life. This has been one of my favorite pictures.

Both days were very different, and very interesting. I followed the same direction both times I went here. I stayed quite a bit longer last summer, because the geese wanted desperately for me to be their friend. When they found out I didn't have any food for them, they moved away a little bit. They still watched me just to make sure.

I saw a few animals when I was here this last time, but they weren't quite at the park. They also weren't wild. They were still fun to watch. I'll show them to you in a few days. That's enough for today. The links below have some more fun information about this place, and my strange encounter with the geese here.

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  1. I found that though I admire winter, it is a new experience to me, I love my whole year long summer time. Your comparison reinforced this.

  2. Wow, either winter or summer, both have their own good qualities...Nice

  3. Rainfield - I love the green colors of summer too. Winter is fun for a little while, but it get's old fast. Someone like you who has never had winter before, wouldn't like being in it very much, but it's still fun to look at.

    Kruel - Yeah, they're both good sometimes. I prefer a little bit warmer weather though. I think I like our late spring the most. It's not to cold and not too hot.

  4. Nice comparisons to show the difference. A good reminder that there is usually something new to see, even in familiar places.

  5. I love the contrast photos. Very well done and I see art in both views. Very nice.

  6. Sharkbytes - This was one of the main things I wanted to do this winter. The different seasons help give me something new for every one.

    Jodapoet - Thanks. I'm not sure if I'd call it art, but I did like what I saw.:)

  7. Wow...different season at the same place. Nice photos and it really shows the comparisons view of both seasons. I like it very much and thanks for sharing!

  8. Congrats to Ratty! The Everyday Adventurer is the #1 blog on the Nature Blog Network in the Hiking & Outdoors Category today. WAY TO GO!

  9. Rose - I wanted to do that after the first time I took photos there.

    Sharkbytes - Thanks! I'm kind of overwhelmed by being there.
