
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tearra And The Raging River

A few days ago I introduced you to Tearra. What I didn't tell you is that she is actually well known here in Michigan. She's been featured in newspapers, magazines, and TV here. She's a celebrity in parts of Michigan, and she tours the state and makes public appearances. I'm not the first to write about her, and I definitely won't be the last. She has actually accomplished quite a number of things. I won't say more than that out of respect for her privacy.

Another thing is that she has appeared on this website a few times before. I make it no secret that I'm one of her biggest fans. I actually had to beg her to come out to these places where you see her in these pictures. The water down there looked pretty dangerous, but she was brave enough to get right up to the edge and tolerate several photos.

There were a lot more photos taken of her that day, and I wasn't the only photographer. I kind of felt like I was in the way sometimes, with my little camera, but nobody seemed upset with me. I was treated pretty well, as a matter of fact. I was just happy to be there, so I tried to stay out of the way as much as possible.

Most of these pictures were taken of her standing by this raging river. The others were similar to what I've already shown. I had a few more up where it was a little safer, but me being a terrible photographer, I got them blurry, so they won't be shown here. Oh well, these are enough anyway.

She told me that this was actually the second time she had been photographed down there. Somebody did some professional photos of her for another project a little while back. I guess it was close to where you see her standing in these pictures.

The difference is that they did much more than I did, and it was for something much bigger than a lonely little internet blog. I was really lucky for her to agree to do this, especially since I didn't pay her for her time. She said it would be okay if I tagged along since she knew that I was a fan of hers.

While I was there, I got some other photos of this place too, that I'll put up here soon. It was a little cold out there that day, and that water was moving along pretty fast. There are some nice things to see out there. I was standing on a boardwalk, looking down at the water where she was standing. You can see it in this last picture.

This picture is from after the photo shoot. Tearra is walking back to her car with her bodyguard. She doesn't like having him around all the time, but it's necessary sometimes. He makes sure everything is done right and nobody messes with her. I'd rather get eaten by that dog from the other day than suffer his wrath. I've seen what he can do.

I told her I wouldn't put these photos up here if she didn't want me to, but she insisted that I did. That was pretty nice of her. Most people with her fame would have told me not to do it. I'm glad I got this chance to show someone like her on my site. When I decided to show more people here, I thought it would just be a few random people that I meet. I had no idea I could get someone like her to do this.

So I'll leave today by saying, Thanks Tearra.

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  1. That's pretty cool and nice shots. I love the snow covered rocks. It's beautiful.

  2. Thanks Jodapoet. I love those rocks too. I'll have more detailed pictures of this place very soon.

  3. First railroad tracks and now a raging river. Are you that bad that she seems ready to face death when you're around?

    Now I want to know what she's well known for. It can't be her death defying poses around you can it?

  4. Hmmm, I wondered why she chose those places.

    I wasn't sure I could say too much about her, so I left it out of the post, but I guess it won't hurt. She is a top star in at least three sports, maybe more by now. She's an accomplished artist. And she does speeches to encourage others. She has toured the state for all three separately, and is in high demand. She's had to turn down several offers. I just happened to catch her on a day when she wasn't very busy. She has been interviewed, and had stories written about her in several forms of media all over Michigan.

    There is a reason for the bodyguard, but I can't tell about that. That's why I wasn't sure of what I could actually write about her.

  5. I do like your posts! Again I enjoyed the vacation your posts give me. Take Care!

  6. Thanks Scott, I like yours too. You have a good message in them. I've been keeping up with every one.
