
Monday, October 20, 2008

Images Of The Fall

Here I am, The Everyday Adventurer, hiking along a nature trail at one of the nature preserves, in the middle of the fall. I am writing this article just hours after I was there and took these pictures. I told myself a long time ago to try to capture my thoughts as quickly as I could after a hike.

It's a hard thing for me to do, because my mind is still focused on nothing but the beauty and solitude of nature. My thoughts stay silent, even to me. When I am out there, I am so at peace with myself that the idea of anything but silent observation eludes me. It takes a long time for me to come back to this reality. I really need time to sort my thoughts out. Maybe this is a beginning.

Let's try. I explained yesterday about moments like this one. The forest was so quiet, and I was so alone, that I was at total peace. What eventually shook me out of my silent rapture, was the sound of a lone woodpecker. It didn't break this wonderful feeling, it only enhanced it.

Can you see the distance of the trail in front of me? It's the same behind me as well. I was completely alone. I could have yelled out loud, and no one would have heard me. I was totally and completely free! The air today had that fresh fall crispness to it. The trail was covered in a bed of fallen leaves and pine needles. I'm glad I was able to capture this.

Both of these pictures show the beauty of the fall out in nature. Look at all the different colors. This is the only time of year to see that. This is a magical time. Fall is when nature begins it's long sleep. The trees begin to shed their leaves. The animals begin to migrate to warmer territory. Other animals begin to prepare for a nice restful hibernation. Sweet dreams.

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