
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Photographing Daisies

I found this field of daisies while I was out driving around the countryside. The sun was burning really bright that day so it was difficult to get any pictures. Sometimes you just want a few clouds to help you get better pictures.

Besides the bright sun, I decided to try and use my big camera to get some of these pictures. I have discovered that my phone camera is much better for close-ups than the big camera, so I take both from now on. The phone camera also does better with bad lighting, bright or dark.

If I had a big zoom on my phone, I'd probably just use it for everything. It has such a good camera that I prefer it over the big one for most things now. Most of my flower and plant pictures are now done with the phone because it's just so much better.

But I used the big camera for these daisies. You can see that it did a good job. That was only for these pictures that came into focus. I have tons of others that were unusable. Once you get the big camera to focus, the pictures actually come out great. But it is kind of a process to do that.

With the phone, all I have to do is point and shoot. It focuses right on whatever I point it at. And if I want to use special settings, it can do that too. And the view screen on the phone is bigger than on the big camera too.

I do have to say that my phone actually cost me more than the camera did. So that probably factors into the quality of the pictures. Not every phone will do. I use a Samsung Galaxy S7, which is one of the most expensive phones out there, and also one of the best cameras. But try any smart phone you might have. You might be surprised by the quality of the pictures.

So, what about the daisies? I found them by the side of a country road very near one of the many farms scattered throughout the area. I don't like to take too many pictures if I think people might be around, so I took what I could and left.

I find that it's usually easier to not have to deal with other people while I'm taking pictures. And it's usually an annoying complication to have to explain why I'm taking pictures to someone who isn't interested in them. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I'll never find out. I'm Grumpy Ratty, and I'll talk to you later.


  1. i have a flip phone still...and love my Nikon

  2. That new moto X phone even has a projector

  3. There are always people taking pictures here everywhere you go, so no explanations necessary.

  4. My human hates being bothered by people when she's taking photos too!
