
Monday, August 14, 2017


I didn't know what it was when I first saw it. The plant was so small, and the sun was so bright, it was too hard to see what I was looking at. All I knew at the time was that I was seeing some kind of small orange flowers. And I hoped I'd get some presentable pictures.

These two pictures are the best I could do under the circumstances. And I never claimed that this blog was all about the pictures. I think I'm just an okay photographer who sometimes gets some great ones.

The important thing is that I try to share real life with you. That definitely includes the pictures that most people won't show. I'll share the great ones, and I'll share the terrible ones. These pictures today are okay. Not the best, but they have some beauty.

So after all of that talking, and you didn't figure it out from the title, you may be wondering just what it is that I'm showing you. This plant is called butterflyweed, sometimes known as orange milkweed. Yup, it's a kind of milkweed plant.

And since milkweed is one of my very favorite kinds of plant, I just had to share this with you. And you knew I wouldn't do it in a straight forward kind of scientific examining way. I'd give you something a little odd. This way you might remember this plant a tiny bit better. And everybody should know about milkweed. Did I tell you how much I love milkweed? I'll talk to you later.


  1. I like milkweed too because it is the host plant for monarch butterflies. And we need more people to plant milkweed to keep the butterfly population up as it is decreasing due to weed control and pesticides. Lots of milkweed gardens going up in Chicago, including one we found along the river in downtown Chicago!

  2. What pretty flowers... so I am guessing they attract butterflies. ;-)

  3. Beautiful flowers, Ratty. We allow milkweed to grow in our flower gardens and ground cover plantings.

  4. No wonder it's nickname is butterfly weed ...milkweed is so great as a host plant for them...don't think I've ever seen this colorful variety before, and you are right, after seeing your post I will definitely recognize it when I do.

  5. It's pretty.I think your pictures look just fine
