
Monday, June 1, 2015

The Only Wildflowers Around

I've given up! I used to try to limit the pictures in all of my posts to about three. That would keep the posts just short enough to match what I would write and also keep it short enough so you wouldn't begin to hate me. But I don't care anymore. I've begun thinking that people probably don't mind extra pictures as long as I'm not usually too long winded. So my posts are about to get a little different from now on.

So what I have for you today is the only wildflowers for very many miles around. Actually I don't mean that these particular flowers are the only ones, but what I mean is that this is the only kind I can find anywhere around here. I haven't seen another kind of wildflower for about twenty five miles. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but that's my story, until it changes.

According to some of the wonderful people who commented on these same flowers two years ago, these flowers are called Dame's Rocket. Without all of you I'd have no idea what these are. I'm terrible with plants. And yes I posted pictures of this same group of flowers before. They seem to grow in that same spot at the end of my property every year.

On the other hand I can't remember what kind of butterfly this is. I used to know very well the identity of this beautiful creature. A few years ago I was in a bad car accident, whacking my head pretty bad, and a few other things. Because of that I don't remember things like this so well anymore, I don't post every day like I used to before that, and I don't go on the long hikes I used to enjoy before all of that. I'm not trying to complain, I'm just explaining. It's been over for a few years.

I guess I could do a little research to find this butterfly's name, but I'm just too lazy to do it anymore.

Well, if you insist!

I decided to check around and found out that the name of this guy is a Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta). I knew that! At least I used to. It came back to me as soon as I saw the name. It's good to know the name. Now I'm happy.

It looks kind of like a pitiful little group of flowers in the above two pictures, doesn't it? Well this is the biggest group of these flowers I've found for miles around here so far. These flowers are actually scattered all through my property in little groups.

I keep the place looking like an unkempt jungle. The tall weeds hide the junk that my dad collected over the years. I'd get rid of the junk, but I have no idea what to do with it. I'm not exactly close to a place where I can dispose of some of these things. Besides I like everything looking like a jungle. It's so natury.

Some of my neighbors probably hate me for that, but that's okay because I'm meaner than them. I also have giant piles of firewood everywhere. At least one neighbor doesn't mind that because we share that part. My dad taught him to burn wood for heat several years ago and now he loves doing it that way. Maybe one of these times I'll show you my huge outdoor wood stove. It's a technological marvel that my dad built. I'll talk to you later.


  1. How nice to have your own jungle and bonus that you have these pretty flowers.

  2. Welcome to the jungle. Come see my place, I mow such a tiny area for my pets

  3. i like 'natury'. and i don't mind extra photos. i do better with photos than lots of words. sorry about the accident and the changes it made to your life.

  4. I like the idea of a jungle! My human is terrible with our yard - it doesn't look like a jungle, just like a mess.

  5. Depending on the junk, you may find someone to haul it away for free--especially if there is scrap metal in the bunch.

    I would have told you that was an Admiral butterfly. :) They like to sit on your head and shoulders, so make sure you take a few minutes to sit very still in they yard when it is around. They are named so because they like to sit on your shoulder--like an epaulette on an admiral's uniform.

  6. Hi Ratty, I don't mind how many pictures you post or how much you write...the important thing is you enjoy writing your blog!! I think it's lovely that you keep your garden natural for the wildlife.

  7. The Dames Rocket is a beautiful color (I am an old lady and I like purple!). You can show as many pictures as you want and talk as much as you like; I always enjoy your illustrated tales immensely. A wildish yard makes for excellent pictures.

  8. You are now flowery and "butterflily".

  9. I love all the pretty flowery pictures!

  10. Was waiting for a new post, but thought I'd better say this before I forget. I thought of you a couple of days ago when five raccoons ran right in front of me when I was on my morning walk. Couldn't get a picture. At least they didn't follow me like yours did. Hope all is well with you.

  11. We think of you when we find something.
    You are a legend now.

  12. Most modern yards are waste lands. Mowed lawns, formal gardens, picnic areas complete with pavers so people don't get their feet dirty. Your lifestyle creates multiple levels of habitat for wildlife and to some, like me, looks beautiful.
