
Monday, June 22, 2015

One Of My Favorite Subjects

I'm back after having a few problems away from my blog. After many power outages over the last little while my computer's operating system became so unstable that I ended up having to reinstall the whole thing. After that I got a little sick again from complications from my old car accident. It happens every once in a while, so I just deal with it when it does. I just move on when I'm fine again.

So since I've been gone for much too long I decided to come back with a favorite type of animal of mine. When I was in Michigan I used to post about squirrels maybe more than anything else. Their feisty little personalities are just so great to talk about.

I only see fox squirrels here, like the big guy you see in my pictures, but back in Michigan I saw several kinds. There were these fox squirrels, gray squirrels, red squirrels, and even black squirrels. Each type of squirrel has their own personality traits. I've done in-depth posts about their traits in the past so I'll just let you search the blog if you want to know more. If enough of you are interested though I'll do a future post about that stuff.

Today I want to talk a little bit, just a little bit, about this particular squirrel in my pictures. There's one reason, and one reason alone, that I took his picture. This is the squirrel that keeps raiding my bird feeder.

So, you ask, if he's raiding your bird feeder then what's he doing in that tree? Well I'm going to tell you. It was only seconds before I took these pictures that I chased him away from the feeder. He ran halfway to the tree and then stopped, waiting for me to leave so he could come right back to stealing the bird seed.

I wasn't going to put up with that so I set the dog on him! Only to scare him away, of course. That's when he went up the tree. That wasn't the end of him though, no! He got up in that tree and stared down at me waiting for me to take the dog back inside. What a smart little jerk.

The squirrel maneuvered around the tree until he got a nice place to watch from. I wasn't defeated so easily though. I left the dog out there. She saw the squirrel up there too. She really hates that squirrel. They've argued constantly since I moved here. I even have an old video on the blog somewhere of one of those arguments, the squirrel chattering at the dog and the dog barking at the squirrel. I'm sure it's the same squirrel.

This time after a few hours of the dog waiting on the porch for the squirrel to come down the squirrel finally gave up and left. I won this time! That's something that doesn't happen often for most people. Squirrels are relentless little critters.

So that's the end. I hope to be a little quicker with my next post. While writing this one I realized that I have plenty more stuff to post. I just have to figure out what to do first after this one. I guess I'll just have to figure it out. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Had some flying ones get in the attic at the cabin

  2. Cute little critters! Have a lovely week.

  3. we only get fox squirrels in my part of texas, too. monster eaters! in wisconsin we had the cute little red squirrels and the black squirrels, too. :)

  4. Squirrels can be obstinate creatures. Hope you're feeling better!

  5. We only see fox squirrels out here too. There are a couple that hang out near the house, so I get some pretty good Squirrel TV most of the time.

  6. congrats on winning this one . I know how relentless they can be. There used to be one that would clean my feeder out on a daily basis.

  7. I have a theory on squirrels: The more you don't like them, try to foil them or get rid of them, the worse they are. If you embrace them, put out some nuts for them and "like" them, they don't seem to wreck as much havoc.

    Maybe it is an "attitude" thing, I don't know. I like the squirrels and they have never caused us problems. While they are in the bird feeder, they are scattering food for those birds that cannot eat out of the feeder--like mourning doves. They are ground feeders.

    See? Each animal has its purpose and good things about them. It's a matter of embracing that.

    I hope you come to peace with your little fellow. He is awfully cute.

  8. Happy to have found you again (not that YOU were lost - I was - I lost a lot of the blogs on my reading list and I'm still trying to find them again after such a long absence ;o)
    Great squirrel shots - and chalk one up for the "good guys", eh?

  9. Happy to have found you again (not that YOU were lost - I was - I lost a lot of the blogs on my reading list and I'm still trying to find them again after such a long absence ;o)
    Great squirrel shots - and chalk one up for the "good guys", eh?

  10. They are patient and smarter than all get out! I think if they had thumbs we'd all be in trouble, they would probably do more than steal our bird seed )))). I always love your sign off 'talk to you later'. ... But I hope not TOO much later!
    Sometimes I wish my ideas for blogposts would just write themselves. It's the getting from my head to the screen that is hard!

  11. glad you are feeling better, i love your story about the smart squirrel :) givjng up finally :)

  12. Oh no, a war between a Rat and a squirrel.

  13. Hello,

    Glad to know you are feeling better.

    Lovely photos of the fox squirrel. He is smart and he tried to out smart you. I wish you had thrown some bird seeds in his direction. He must have been hungry. You might have won this time but next time he will surely eat the seeds by stealth.

    Interesting post.

    Best wishes

  14. Some of the more common wild animals, like squirrels, are often over looked, perhaps taken for granted. Squirrels are superb. Both acrobatic and athletic that can entertain one for hours. Too bad they are often overlooked.

  15. My spouse refuses to cook them. something about no eating skinned rats.....;)
