
Thursday, March 12, 2015

My New Bird Feeder

It didn't take long for me to decide what to do about the bell feeder. I needed something that could stand up to an attack from a bigger bird, so I got a bigger, more solid feeder. I still don't know much about this stuff, but this feeder seemed about as good as anything else I saw on Amazon, so I bought this feeder and plenty of bird seed to go along with it.

The feeder and the suet on the sides only took a day and a half to get here. The bird seed that goes inside will get here tomorrow. I velcroed the feeder to the porch railing because that's the only place I can put it right now. The velcro should keep it secure. I'll have to wait until it gets warmer to hang the feeder to a pole.

The really interesting part of the new feeder story involves this Downy Woodpecker. This little girl showed up to the bell feeder several times a day. Today when she came back she found the all new feeder waiting for her. So far the Juncos don't want anything to do with it for some reason. Maybe they want the other kind of seed that hasn't come yet.

This little woodpecker showed up and sat down like you see in the pictures and just stared up at the suet on the feeder for a good ten minutes. Its head would slowly go back and forth as it sat there staring. The little bird seemed to be in awe of what she was seeing.

It sat there for so long like that that I began to worry. Maybe its little feet had somehow gotten stuck under the edge of the feeder. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I went to the door and opened it. After ignoring me right up till the end, the little bird flew away. I was relieved to find out that it was just fine.

This little Woodpecker happily returns to the feeder constantly to tear chunks out of those suet blocks. The other birds still avoid the feeder. I'm sure that last part will change. I'm glad I made the Woodpecker happy though. I think I've made a permanent friend of this little bird. I'll talk to you later.


  1. you picked out a good one that'll provide double food sources, too. cute downy!

  2. Oh yeah, that woodpecker is one happy birdie!

  3. The woodpecker probably didn't know what to think of her new bird feeder!

  4. The woodpecker probably didn't know what to think of her new bird feeder!

  5. Very nice looking feeder. We have a lot of Juncos here and they are primarily ground feeders. I spread some sunflower seeds on the ground for them and they seem happy, but I seldom see them at the elevated feeder.

  6. nice feeder, g etsome sunflower seeds and the others will come

  7. that's a nice feeder. I like that it has a place for seed and for suet

  8. It always took my birds a while to get used to a new feeder. They seemed to want to wait until they decided it was safe. The woodpecker will probably ky be sad when he gets competition at his private feeder! What a sweet bird he is.

  9. Woodpeckers love the suet in winter.
