
Saturday, March 14, 2015

More Pictures Of The Woodpecker

You'd think I would have some bird seed in the feeder by now, but these pictures are still from the first day. It was a day before the rest of the seed came by UPS. It's just that the Downy Woodpecker was enjoying the feeder so much that I wanted to share these pictures of her with you.

Above you can see a little chunk of the suet in her mouth. She really was tearing this stuff off by the chunks. She ate so much that I couldn't understand where she was putting it all. And she was so mesmerized with the feeder that I felt a duty to help her watch out for predators while she was there.

And there were indeed predators. A neighborhood cat smartly figured out that the birds had been gathering near my back porch. They are also gathering in a pile of branches nearby that I need to eventually burn. The cat came prowling around looking for the Juncos. It knew exactly where to look.

I love cats, but I had to chase this one away to keep the birds safe. Besides, the poor cat wouldn't be very safe itself hanging around here if my dog happened to be out there with the cat hanging around. My dog hates cats with a passion. I don't know why. I've had other dogs that have had no problem with them. Without the cat out there all the animals are safe, including the cat. It really was a nice looking cat. I should have taken a picture.

After looking at all of these pictures you may have noticed a chunk taken out of the right side of the suet near the bird. No, the Woodpecker didn't do that. When I was putting everything together I had the feeder sitting on the floor in my livingroom.

The dog was watching me do everything with great interest, as always. I looked over at something else for a few seconds, and when I looked back the dog was eating the suet. I don't think she wants to be a bird. I just think this stuff must be particularly delicious. She otherwise never gets into anything she's not supposed to.

I hope you found these pictures at least mildly interesting. So far the only bird using the feeder is the Woodpecker. It doesn't help that when I finally did get some bird seed I dropped some on the porch. The Juncos love it down there, and even the Cardinals are leery of the feeder so far. I think that'll eventually change. I'll talk to you later.


  1. That is one hungry woodpecker. When I got a new feeder it took a bit for the birds to get used to it but eventually they were coming and eating me out of house and home

  2. Looks like a very nice bird feeder and I'm sure other birds will use it too in time. So glad you protected the bird and cat. I would have liked to have seen the cat picture though. My cats stay inside so do not harm birds, they just like watching them through the window.

  3. If some mushrooms happen to emerge near them, I wonder what the dog, the cat and the birds will do.
    Will they be as crazy as me?

  4. If some mushrooms happen to emerge near them, I wonder what the dog, the cat and the birds will do.
    Will they be as crazy as me?

  5. I have seen some large flocks of snow geese and wondered if they were headed your way to Desota Wildlife area

  6. No dogs here, and the cats rarely catch a bird. I've had a good laugh over many a failed attempt.

  7. the few times i've used suet here, my dogs stand under the tree and drool. fat is fat. :)

  8. I'm sure the rest of the birds will eventually figure out the feeder!

  9. It does take a while for them to get used to a new feeder.

  10. Haha! Your dog reminds me of my dog. He'd try to eat the suet, too! Looks like your bird feeder is a big hit with the woodpecker.

  11. Haha! Your dog reminds me of my dog. He'd try to eat the suet, too! Looks like your bird feeder is a big hit with the woodpecker.

  12. You may have to hang the feeder so the cat cannot get the birds. And the birds will come...give them time to get used to the new feeder.

  13. Oh did I already tell you that my daughter always feeds birds by just scattering seed? But they'll get used to the feeder eventually. Meanwhile, the woodys is wonderful entertainment.

  14. I love the joy you have with the most simple parts of nature. It is how we all should be. I really can feel your excitement and happiness when I read this. It is special Ratty.

  15. My cat likes to pounce on birds. When I used to have a feeder, I had to be vigilant that my guests didn't end up as dinner.

  16. My cat likes to pounce on birds. When I used to have a feeder, I had to be vigilant that my guests didn't end up as dinner.

  17. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Very nicely designed feeder. I thought woodpeckers only eat insects and worms on the tree. Lovely wood pecker. Sometimes when I go for a walk I see very colorful woodpeckers.

    The cat is very clever.

    Very interesting post.

    Best wishes
