
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jack In The Pulpit

Today I have some more lost pictures from my past. I took these pictures of this Jack In The Pulpit plant back in 2010. I intended to write a post about it when I got more information about the plant, but the draft of the post got left by the wayside and then forgotten as the years went by. I just recently found it sitting there waiting.

I remember back then I was looking to try to learn more about interesting forest plants. Animals were easy, but plants don't move around, so they're a little harder for me. The thing was though that the paces I used to visit had many interesting plants to learn about, so I began to learn little by little.

Jack In The Pulpit was one of the plants on one of the signs that were scattered around in my favorite nature park. So I watched for it whenever I'd walk through that place. On this particular day I found this lone plant sitting there by itself with a shaft of light illuminating it through the trees.

I don't really have much information to share about Jack In The Pulpit except that it is poisonous. There is an interesting Wikipedia page about the plant if you'd like to learn more. I figure there's not much point in just repeating what it says there for you. If you want to learn more you'd probably rather go to a good source like that one.

The thing I find interesting about the plant is that overlapping top that flops over. it covers the inside parts well. That must be why it grows like that. It reminds me of a flower, but green. I don't see the beauty of flowers like most people do for some reason. I'm mostly interested in their different shapes. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out.

I remember walking around the plant to get several good angles for my pictures. As always I took many more pictures than I'm sharing with you. I always just pick out the few best ones and leave it at that. There's really not much more to do than that.

Going back and looking at these pictures reminds me of how much I miss those old parks I used to visit. So much seemed to happen there. I discovered something new every day. The parks here are a bit different for me. I haven't discovered just what to do here yet.

I remember seeing the many squirrels I'd meet at the old parks. They were always up to some mischief. I could watch them all day. There were small herds of deer there too, right in the middle of the city. They were so used to people that they would never run far when approached. So many other things.

But that was years ago now. I have new adventures and more interesting places to find here. I'm excited for the future, but I still do miss the past. I'll talk to you later.


  1. You may have seen the red seed clusters and not recognized them in the fall.

    1. That may be. I'm not good at noticing plants unless I try really hard.

  2. pretty green, gorgeous light!!!!

    1. The light was just perfect that day. It's what made me notice the plant.

  3. growing up in wisconsin, my sis and i would disappear into the woods and fields. these were always cool plants to find!

    1. I wish I would have seen more than just this one.

  4. Cool plant - my human read about them as a kid, but she has never seen one in person.

  5. The first thing I thought of when I saw the Jack in the Pulpit was, "poisonous!" It''s pretty, though!

    1. Poisonous was one of the first things I thought too.

  6. I have never hear d of this plant Ratty so I did go and check out the link you put in. It doesn't grow in my neck of the woods but it really is a beautiful green although I do like the striped one on the 'wiki' page!

    1. I'm glad you found the link useful. I always hope somebody will follow the links whenever I use them.

  7. it's nice to see something green. I've heard of this plant but didn't know much about it

    1. Now you know a little more about it. I'd love to find out more than I know now.

  8. I don't think I have ever seen one of those in the wild. What a fascinating plant! I'm sure you will find cool things in your new area too--just different from the old place.

    1. I hope I can find plants as interesting as this one. I need to look a little bit harder when it gets warmer.

  9. Oh I thought I should read Jack and the beanstalk.

    1. If I find a beanstalk I'll definitely climb it and get some pictures.

  10. Jack In The Pulpit, it's the right name for it. Beautiful images.

  11. I'm glad you found them. A pretty plant to be poison... Wow, that's good to know.

    1. I wish I would have found more of these plants. there were supposed to be more out there, but I only ever saw this one.

  12. Nice pictures. A bit unusual that it's all light green like that. They are often dark green or striped with purple. Glad you found it. The flower is hidden inside that tube with the cover, like a preacher in an old fashioned surrounding pulpit... hence the name.
