
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Better Pictures Of A Junco

I know I said awhile back that I was through with bringing you pictures of the Juncos for awhile, but I forgot one major thing. The first post I had Juncos at the feeder the pictures weren't really very good. Since then I've gotten these newer pictures which I think are much better.

These pictures are perhaps some of the best pictures I've taken at the bird feeder. It really helps that I've cleaned the window that I take these pictures through. I have enough pictures of this Junco that you get a very good look at it in several little Junco poses.

Again I didn't do any writing in between each picture like I usually do, but I don't really have much to say about these pictures. They're just this little Junco posing next to the feeder. The one problem with having the feeder is that there's just not much I can say about what the birds do there.

In my other nature adventures I can tell you an interesting (at least to me) story of the chase of the animal or the back story of the place I visited. With the feeder it's mostly the same thing. The bird came and then pecked at the bird seed for a few seconds and then flew away.

Sometimes I'll share a story of the interactions between birds if I can. It actually can be interesting observing their behavior. The thing I've discovered the most so far is how possessive these Juncos are of my feeder. I wonder how the bird interactions will be when they leave in the warmer weather. I'll talk to you later.


  1. You are having fun with your feeder, I can't believe you don't have more. I can set my DSLR near one and shoot with a cable, but lose a lot of action.

    1. I wish there were more birds around here, but I never see many in the trees either. I think I'll have more than I've shared so far though.

  2. bird watching, such a wonderful hobby!!! i just adore this winter bird, especially in the snow!!!!

    1. I usually watch more than birds, but this feeder makes it easy to get them. I'm sure I'll get a few squirrels too.

  3. Those are excellent pix of your junco friend. I've had poor luck at getting shots of them. They prefer to eat what's on the ground, and that results in a poor angle for a good photo.

    1. I think standing there on that railing is the next best thing for them to being on the ground. Any time I drop any bird seed on the porch they always prefer that.

  4. so very cute! like he's the king of that food bell!

    1. They really think they're the kings of that bell.

  5. They are wonderful photos of the junco!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. You are starting to get them trained to pose for you! The first photo is perfect. Words really aren't always needed (my husband keeps trying to tell me that)). and clean windows? No wonder I never get good pictures out of my window!

    1. I have to constantly clean the window because my dog keeps leaving nose prints on it.

  7. Replies
    1. The Junco was kind enough to wait there while I took the pictures.

  8. These pictures are really good. Maybe I should clean my windows and see if it improves my pictures :)

    1. If not for my dog's wet nose I'd probably never clean the window.

  9. Cracking shot - and the seed bell look good too!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. This seed bell is my second. My dog got rid of the first.

  10. Lovely photos Ratty...I didn't realise until now that hey had such wonderfully distinct markings in their plumage.

    1. They really do look nice when you can get a nice close look at them.

  11. Have you thought about a feeder on a pole for that spot? If you put peanuts in there, you will get many interesting birds like bluejays.

    1. Yes, I'm planning on a feeder on a pole right there. All I'm waiting for is the warm weather so the ground is soft enough to dig for the pole.

  12. I like the one with his feet spread. Seems very un-junco-like!
