
Thursday, December 18, 2014


I really dislike posting the way I'm doing today, but I think this is the only appropriate way I could do this one. I'm giving you a total of 8 pictures in today's post. That's the most I've ever done in one post by far. I usually like to do 5 pictures at most, with 3 being just right.

I recently visited the town of Winnetoon, Nebraska. It's the place where my Grandpa was born. This one street is like an outside museum. All of the buildings are old fashioned with statues and other interesting features. I took pictures of everything, and I'm sharing the best with you.

I don't have much more to say about this place because I don't know much about it. I went here with my mom so she could see some of the sights from her childhood. We were visiting the next town over for her, where she was a kid, but we couldn't miss this one either.

I'm going to do one more post with sights from Winnetoon. It will have similar things to this one, but they are separate from this street. In some ways they're even more interesting than these pictures. There is also a small area like the one in today's post in a town not far from me, but it's not nearly as big as this. I'll post pictures of that place too one of these days.

I don't think any of these buildings in today's post are occupied, but I could be very wrong. I do know that some of them aren't whole buildings though, so that supports my theory. I went around back and saw a few front walls that were just propped up with nothing else behind them, and there were some other very narrow buildings as well.

When I went here it was a cloudy fall-like day. I found out after I got home that winter moved back into this place right after I left with a pretty big winter storm. I'm glad I missed that one. I got a tiny bit of snow here at home, but it got kind of cold. I don't miss the snow. I'll talk to you later.


  1. I have been here. not many people, you saw a lot of the state. I ate at the café 2 summers ago going to Valentine. Laughed when the city girl with me asked if they had a no gluten menu, The waitress wasn't sure what that was. Left her home after that. HA!

    1. That reminds me of when my brother in law asked my 95 year old grandma who lived on a farm to give his and my sister's baby only 1% milk.

  2. 68 people reside here in 2010. Knox County is rocking, did you go to Ashfall State Park?

    1. I didn't go to Ashfall State Park because I didn't have enough time, but I plan on going there this summer for sure. I visited there once years ago.

  3. A very interesting place. How could you have used fewer pix? Looks just right to me.

    1. Yeah, I just couldn't see how I could get away with only using three or so.

    2. This place belongs to me. The Store shown in first pix is my Antique Shop & Post Office. It is open year around. District #58 School, Trading Post and Winnetoon Garage are open April thru August.

    3. That's pretty cool. I didn't know they were open when I was there. I'll have to stop in next time I go back. I'm really glad you commented.

  4. That place looks really interesting! It is the kind of place my human would visit if she were in the area.

    1. This place is the kind of thing I love about this part of the country. I come across all kinds of little places like it around here.

  5. "I'm glad I missed that one".

    Yes, not all the misses are bad.

    1. Yeah, sometimes we are lucky enough to miss the bad things.

  6. That was interesting. And sometimes you just need more pictures to get the idea across. I don't have much connection with those plains states, so I am learning from you. I've been so addicted to my train game I haven't been doing anything else. Getting caught up now!

    1. I understand getting addicted to a game like that. I do it every once in awhile. I haven't done it in awhile so I'm probably about due to do it again.
