
Monday, December 22, 2014

Winnetoon Jail

I have a few more pictures from Winnetoon for you before we move on to the next adventure. These are a little bit different from the buildings from the last post, but they are just as fun for those of us who are sightseeing. I wish there was more stuff because it was all so interesting.

The first picture is of the Winnetoon Jail. You can see that it's a pretty small building. It looks like it could be another one of those fake buildings like before, but no! I've been told that this used to be a real jail. I'm pretty sure that it says that on the sign on the front.

Of course it's not still the jail there, and there might not even be a jail in this town. I'm guessing it might be like the small town where I live; we don't have any police here. Actually we use the police from the surrounding county. I wish we didn't need them at all, but you have to have them everywhere sometimes.

I like this little statue of the hunter in the tall grass. I guess he's a hunter. He just seems to fit so well with the weeds growing up around him. You don't see many things like this in most places. I've only ever seen these type of things around this part of the country.

I write this blog to give other people a chance to see these things that they wouldn't otherwise ever get a chance to see. Winnetoon is a small town in Nebraska. Not many of you will ever visit there. But if you want to know where it is, I have a link to the location in the footer at the bottom of the post. I try to do that with many of the places I visit.

I couldn't miss getting a picture of this totem pole. I love totem poles. I find them in some unexpected places. There was a good one in one of the parks I routinely visited back in Michigan. It's on the blog in one of my old posts.

Now that I'm writing this post, I realize that I should have gotten some closeup pictures of the individual faces on the pole. I think I'll be back through here next summer, so maybe I'll do that when I return.

I'll be posting about some more local things coming up. I just recently visited some good places around here. You've seen them before, but hopefully I'll have some different and more interesting views of everything. I'll talk to you later.


  1. That looks like a wonderful little town. I would love to visit a place like that.

    1. I wish everyone had a town like this near them. I'm glad I could share it.

  2. I love how you describe everything. I love small towns and their history too.

    1. Thanks. I visit many small towns around here. It's extra fun to come across one like this one. I'm glad I didn't have to just stumble across it randomly.

  3. Replies
    1. It's a nice little sightseeing town. I only found out later that there is a good restaurant there too.

  4. I love totem poles too! This sounds like it was a very interesting adventure! Thanks for sharing this!


    1. I make sure I get pictures every time I come across a totem pole. It's always good to see them.

  5. I love this little town! My human totally wants to go there!

    1. I wish I would have known ten years ago when I went through the area that there was a restaurant there. I didn't find another one for a long time after that day.

  6. I love finding places like that when we travel. I'm glad that you show us these things on your travels too. Sorta makes me feel like we are along for the ride!

    Merry Christmas, Ratty!

    1. That's my goal here to take you all along for the ride, so I'm extra glad you feel like it did the trick.

  7. A jail is for bad people.

    So its size tells that there were good people all around.

    1. The good thing about living around here is that today we don't really need jails at all, and back then we only needed small ones.
