
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I'm Back, With Some Old Friends

I'm back, and I brought some old friends with me. I didn't mean to be gone for so long. In fact, I didn't mean to be gone at all. It kind of just began with a couple of days and it turned in to a few weeks. I guess I just wanted some time off.

But I went out and found some old friends that reminded me that I was forgetting one of the things I love. I found these geese in the nature area of a business complex. I never seem to see them in the country.

I guess geese have developed a relationship with humans. They come around and feed off of the refuse and scraps that we leave them. I never realized this was happening before I moved away from Michigan and into the country. I was only in the city back then too.

It seems like a few years ago when I was in Michigan every other post was about geese or maybe squirrels. Now I rarely see either one, squirrels a little more often. I remember posting about a group of geese from the time they were eggs till they grew up. I watched the whole thing. It was fascinating.

My old geese saw me so often that they began to see me as a friend. They would come up close to me just because they didn't have any fear. They never expected anything of me. I never fed them or bribed them in any way. These geese today ran from me.

But that's okay. I may never go back to this place. It's not much for nature, but it does have some nice scenery. I have so many nature parks to visit that I want to visit all of them first. On this same day I found a new place that reminds me quite a bit of my old nature parks from Michigan. I'll revisit that one very soon. Who knows? Maybe there will be geese there too. I'll talk to you again soon.


  1. I have a fake one of these in my front yard that the neighbors thought was real when I first got it--named it Elly.

  2. Great pictures of the geese.
    Glad you are back.

    1. I keep trying to be back more often than I have been, but it doesn't seem to be working well quite yet.

  3. Finding new nature parks is the BEST!

    1. My favorite time is when I find a new nature park. Such anticipation.

  4. Replies
    1. I wish they were a little thicker around here. I kind of miss them.

  5. There maybe one of them can be your old friend.

    1. I wish I could visit them often enough for that.

  6. It looks like quite a pretty area for being in a business complex - no wonder the geese like it.

    1. there are several nice little areas like this in that place. If there were some trails I'd go back and revisit it.

  7. It's good that the geese run away from humans---people can be so cruel to them and other animals. It's best they learn to live away from us.

    Good to see you back, Ratty.

    1. I can imagine people being cruel to the animals especially in a place like this where they're not expecting to see them.

  8. love those geese, welcome back, same here, I think I 've been gone from blogging for a while too, now, trying to come back again. :)

    1. I'm trying to come back a little more than I've been able to. I need to speed it up.
