
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oak Grove Nature Park

I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I'd like. I can't really explain what has slowed me down because I don't know the reason myself. I have pictures from several places that I wanted to share, but I got them before there were leaves on the trees. Now they're kind of old.

I took these pictures you see today at a place called Oak Grove and Big Sioux Park.These are more that I took before the leaves sprouted all over the trees. I really like this park, but I haven't been back there since so far this year.

I'll definitely be going back soon, maybe even in the next few days. I like this nature park because it reminds me of some of my favorite nature parks from back in Michigan. It has plenty of trees, and this great river running through it, and it has plenty of little nature trails to explore.

There is a road that takes you right down to the edge of this river. I kind of like that and I kind of don't. The road means that there is easy access, but it also means that there might be lots of people in the greener months. That's good for them, but I like to be alone at these places.

The good thing for me is that the day I took these pictures there was nobody else around. And this park is kind of isolated so I don't think there ever will be very big crowds of people. I can stand at the edge of this river for a long time relaxing with nobody to bother me.

Have you figured out through so many of my posts that I'm more than a bit of a loner? I don't know why that is, but I kind of like it that way. I sometimes think that it would be good to have people to go along with me through these nature parks, but I don't really know anybody that likes nature like I do. And besides, I've had others go along a few times, and I really like being alone a little better.

I guess I tell that little story every once in a while. I think I tell it to give you a little insight into who I am. Maybe it kind of helps you see who this person is who shares his love of nature with you. I try to tell a little about myself because in the beginning I used to share so little. Some people didn't know whether I was male or female back then, and I thought that was kind of funny. I guess we all need something to amuse ourselves.

Okay I think that's all I really have for you this time. I hope to be back a little sooner next time. I'll talk to you later.


  1. My human is something of a loner too. Sometimes she'll go somewhere with another person... and then go back again by herself.

    1. I usually go back to places later by myself too. Then I get to see all the stuff I missed when I was paying attention to the other person.

  2. I enjoy sitting along the water, but prefer a fishing pole in my hand . Headed out camping today to Lake Red Rock.

    1. I've never been much aof a fisherman because I wouldn't know what to do with the fish when I caught it. I've seen other people who knew everything.

  3. This area looks like it would be a true oasis within a vast prairie. And that it also has a nice river makes it all the better!

    1. This is one of my favorite places because it is so out of the way. We have quite a few others around here, but none quite like this one.

  4. You have some beautiful parks in Detroit.

    These help to tell many stories.

    1. I sometimes wish I could see those parks again.

  5. I'm a loner as well. I'd be perfectly content wandering around by myself taking pictures and day dreaming.

    1. That's exactly what I do, and I am perfectly content. :)

  6. so beautiful pictures, and I share your sentiments about blogging, you actually made me laugh, because like you, i have so many pictures to share and places as well, but like you, because they had been in my computer for months, they feel old and I do not feel like writing. :(

    1. I always feel kind of bad when pictures become too old and I can't use them. But there are always more pictures to take just waiting for me.
