
Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Couple Of Robins

I took the pictures of these robins before the leaves sprouted all over the trees around here, but I just didn't want them to go unseen forever. I've been taking plenty of pictures this spring, but I can't seem to get caught up with my blogging. I don't mean to go so long between posts, but it keeps happening this way.

I saw these birds on a day when the robins were out all through the forest. Seeing so many of them over the years has kind of made these robins my favorite birds. There are plenty of others that may be prettier, and there are some that may have better songs, but none of them come out so often. These have become a sort of traveling companion for me.

Do you notice a similarity in these pictures? These birds both have their backs turned toward me. I have rarely seen a robin turned the other way around. It makes me think they know I am there and they are getting ready to fly away in case I turn out to be a threat.

I saw a robin hopping along the grass across the road from me the other day, and I noticed that one too always kept its back to me. My little theory is still intact. I do have some old pictures of robins from the front, but most of them are like this.

This post was a little short for me this time, but maybe I can have the next one a little bit sooner. I'll talk to you later.


  1. A bird to watch in your area is the bobolink. They come up from Argentina to enjoy your prairies.

    1. I'll definitely have to watch for that one. It would be a new bird for me to get pictures of.

  2. We don't get robins much out here - and if we did, they would be smart NOT to turn their backs on a kitty!

    1. I think they keep their eyes focused behind them, so they're pretty good at escaping that way. Some fast kitties might still catch a few prizes though.

  3. i love how you sharply focused on the robin with the background all blurred. it's not usually easy to focus on bird with so many branches around but you did so very well. i love spring, so many birds in action and singing :)

    1. Really the camera did all the work. I just waited until the little indicator on the screen signaled that it was looking at the bird.

  4. You have taken a few beautiful shots.

    If the Robins can talk, they will say thank you.

    1. If I could talk to the robins I would also say thank you and you're welcome.
