
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just Roads

I've been more than a little busy lately so I haven't been able to do very many posts. These two pictures of roads are something I've wanted to post for a little while now. I thought I had three but I can't find that elusive third one.

There's really not much to say about these roads except I was exploring them and I just kind of liked the pictures. I don't think they're particularly impressive, just something I took a liking to. Besides, I can easily change the subject with not much to say here.

I recently began using my wood stove again after letting it go for a little while. The heat from the wood stove is actually better than the regular house heat. This particular stove heats the house more evenly. It even keeps the floors warm. The only problem is that I have to go outside to fill it with wood, and I didn't feel like going out in the cold until now.

I'm doing it now just to give myself more things to do while I'm at home. I've gotten a bit lazy and I'm trying to get back into better shape for when I go out hiking when the warmer weather gets here. Hunting season is just about over here, so I'll be back on the nature trails again. Hopefully I'll see some good wildlife then.

That's enough for this time. I'll talk to you later.


  1. A road to who knows where, I see that with hiking trails also. There is an intrigue to offer to your readers.

    1. A mysterious hiking trail is one of my very favorite things.

  2. I especially love the first photo Ratty..I think because you can't see over the hill you can imagine this one taking you anywhere!!

    1. I like the first one because of those reasons as well.

  3. Beautiful! Good to hear that you are getting out more again. How are you feeling?

    1. I've been feeling pretty well. I still have to take medicine for my head, but I'm pretty much back to my old self.

  4. they are actually very beautiful to me, speaks a lot of depth and beauty, and also so serene to look at, I love roads that are lined with trees and roads in the middle of cast field

    1. I think roads lined with trees are my favorite. I just like the trees.

  5. I have a number of imaginations about the wood stove.

    One of it is the chimney which Santa Claus used to slid down.

    1. I don't think Santa Claus would like to slide down the chimney of my wood stove because it's outside the house. He'd quickly find himself lost. He can use the back door if he'd like though :)

  6. I love these. I love the perspective in the second one as the road tapers off in the distance but I also like how it feels as if you're travelling on the first one.

    1. That second road is a very typical road around here. I like exploring them on most days.

  7. I like to explore to as well. As to wood heat it is the best. It's warm you twice as they saw (presuming you cut your own...:)

    1. I mostly cut my own wood, but I get some from others if I run short. I love my wood stove. :)

  8. Wow, you can see a long way where you live! Beautiful! We heat solely with wood. Cut our own off of our woodlot. Keeps one in shape.

    1. Cutting our own wood definitely keeps a person in shape. I used wood exclusively for most of my first winter here. I'm glad I don't have to do it anymore, but I learned that it's pretty enjoyable.
