
Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm Back With A Buffalo

I keep seeing buffaloes everywhere, but every one I see is a statue. I love the statues, but it would be nice to see a real wild buffalo once in a while. Even so, I loved this statue as soon as I saw it. I just had to stop and take a few good pictures.

I actually didn't go to this place intending to take pictures of a statue. I was really visiting a nearby state park in Nebraska. I have plenty of pictures from there too, but this buffalo immediately grabbed my attention as soon as I saw it.

The only problem with a statue is that it doesn't do anything. It just stands there waiting to be admired. A real buffalo would be walking around doing buffalo things I could talk about. Instead this statue leaves me with the thought of resisting talking about how bitterly cold it is around here.

We did get as little bit of snow. So it looks a bit whiter around here than it did before. Not much. I hear that it snowed heavily all around us again. That's weird. I don't really miss the snow much. If only it would get a bit warmer though. I'd like that. I'd like it a lot. I'll talk to you later.


  1. It's hard to tell from looking at the pictures how big this statue is. Taking the house in the background into account though I can imagine it to be enormous!!

    1. The top of that fence reaches almost up to my chest if that's any help. It really is pretty big.

  2. They used to feed you buffalo stew on Wednesday and steaks over the weekend at Ponca State Park. The Poncas are one of the few tribes who bought back their land, and fix these meals.

  3. That buffalo looks much better groomed than the wild ones!

  4. When I saw the title, I thought you'd finally snagged a live buffalo! Oh well, that'll come eventually.

    1. I knew that would happen with the title. I couldn't think up a more descriptive one though.

  5. that's a huge buffalo statue, wonder what the reaction of wild buffalos would be if they see their look alike :)

    1. Maybe the wild buffaloes would think it was their king. :)

  6. That statue looks really big--or is that a photo trick? I guess I'd faint if a buffalo wandered through around here--it would be cool to see though! Yes, we got the snow this time around--a few new inches added to a lot of inches already there. According to the Groundhog, we get 6 more weeks of this here, darn it!

    1. I could do with a few less weeks of winter, but a few degrees warmer will do. It's going to get warmer here just a little bit in the next few days. I hope that gets over to you as well.

  7. There must be some real Bison in your area somewhere. They are so big you can't miss them. Anyone have a buffalo farm near you. The statue is sweet!

    1. There is actually a good nature preserve just down the road from me that has a lot of bison. The only problem is that nobody is allowed to do anything but look from the outside. The bison only come out within view sometimes, but so far never when I've been there.

  8. Statues like that are always entertaining and fun to see.

  9. Ha ha! I definitely prefer the originals!
