
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Posing Horses

For once I found some animals that were willing to cooperate with me and my camera. These horses were willing to pose perfectly and look right into the camera. After I got these pictures I now wait for all the animals to do this.

For those of you who don't know, the horses are standing in a cornfield. The reason the corn plants around them look like they do is because this is what they look like after the corn has been harvested. Then the farmers put the animals there because they love to eat what's left over of the corn plants.

The amount of snow you see in these pictures is deceptive. We really don't have this much snow. Even this particular cornfield has much less snow since I took these pictures. We even had a small snowstorm yesterday, but we still have nothing to show for it.

I drove by these horses a few more times since I took these pictures and they seem to be multiplying. I would swear that there were only three horses when I got the pictures, but now there are about seven. That third horse wasn't being cooperative, so I have two pictures. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Wonderful pictures Ratty. I especially love the first one as the horse has such striking markings and just looks so great with the landscape!!

    1. I keep wanting to take that first horse's picture every time I see her.

  2. Always enjoy a nice picture of a horse. I can send you some snow...

    1. I'd take some of your snow off your hands if I could. The farmers around here kind of need it.

  3. Spoiled is a what I would say when they are attentive to you, or just waiting for food.

    1. I think maybe you're right. They did seem kind of extra friendly.

  4. I bet the horses were enjoying their corn stalk treats!

    1. The horses and all the other animals love those cornstalks.

  5. How do you NOT have snow?? We have 2+ inches of snow every other day here. It's to the point that we don't have anywhere to put it! Ugh.

    And the cold? It's freezing this winter. How are you escaping all of this?

    1. I think everyone around us has snow, but it keeps skipping here. I think maybe the reason for it is that it's been too cold to snow here. We feel lucky around here when the temperature reaches double digits.

  6. oh, lovely horses, and they don't look cold at all

    1. They really don't seem to mind the cold. I think they also have a warm barn to go to.

  7. These photos are fantastic!!! I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to expect all animals to pose in this way in the future!

    1. I think maybe now the animals should feel obligated to pose in this way. :)

  8. I love horses. I used to ride when I was young. Once, we had a forensic nursing conference in Louisville, Kentucky and I drove over to Lexington to see some of the horse farms. I spent more time parked on the side of the road, taking pictures...such beautiful animals, those thoroughbreds, and I especially loved the new colts. Of course, it doesn't have to be a thoroughbred to have me out with my camera....any horse will do!! I love your pictures.

    1. I always take a few pictures of the horses whenever I see any. I love them too. I wish I could post about them more often, but then I'd be a horse blog. :)
