
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Finally Some Geese

I think these may be my first pictures of geese since I was back in Michigan. You can see that I wasn't really able to get very close to them. Back then I was able to walk right up to them and stick my camera in their goose faces.

This is good enough for now though. It's better than not seeing them at all. I actually saw a giant flock of them in Sioux Falls when I was there, but I was driving in the middle of the city so I couldn't get any pictures.Tough break.

Maybe the reason I haven't seen any of them around here is that they actually like cities more than rural areas. They've become addicted to some of the garbage humans throw out. That could be why so many people consider them to be pests. Only a guess.

Speaking of rare birds, a few days ago I saw my very first up close bald eagle. It was a very big bird. I learned that when you actually see a bald eagle you know for certain that's the kind of bird you've seen. It was beautiful. I've made mistakes before, but this time I was certain. No pictures again though because I was driving.

There are so many pictures I've missed because I was driving at the time and I was in no position to stop. That's when I see the majority of wildlife around here, and I really see a lot. I go home wanting to kick myself because of another lost opportunity. I guess that's the way it goes. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Yes, I see a lot of great sots that will never happen from the car. Notably, hawks. Hooray on the bald eagle!

    1. One of these days I'll get one3 of those bald eagles on camera, Then it'll be even better.

  2. I hope you get a photo of a bald eagle one of these days!

    1. One of these days I'll get a photo of a bald eagle. If I saw it once, I'll see one again.

  3. The flocks near me in SE IA sometimes fly for twenty minutes.

    1. Some of my favorite shots are when they're in the sky.

  4. I love to see the geese flying in formation...we often have them fly over us. Don't worry about those missed opportunities Ratty. They will come round to you again at a time when you can get out your camera!!

    1. That's the good thing about seeing so much wildlife. There's always another opport5unity. :)

  5. OMG

    I should have kicked myself many times for the same reason.

  6. An Eagle!! You're so lucky! We did have a lot of geese that hung around here through winter, when winters were more mild. I haven't been out trekking the past couple of months, since the weather got too fierce, but I sense there's no open water for them around here, which they seem to stay near, and I'm betting, if ours were smart, they went south this year!

    1. If they're smart, all the geese flew south this year. :)

  7. oh wow, yehey for you for the bald eagle, just seeing it is happiness enough

    1. I w2as jumping up and down with happiness in my truck when I saw that eagle.

  8. I agree all the best opportunities for photos are when I'm driving. Also I lived in rural areas for years and only saw them fly overhead but the day I moved to a city there were flocks of them. They love the lawns.

    1. I agree, they do love lawns. They messed up just about every lawn around where I used to live.

  9. For months we had tons of geese in and around the river next my house but I think they've all migrated. i still see ducks once in awhile.

    1. I remember seeing ducks too at a few places I used to go even when the geese were gone.

  10. I think you are right about the geese being attracted by garbage. It is what attracts foxes to urban areas in the UK and people consider them pests too.

    1. I have read about your fox problem many times. The whole story was very interesting from the perspective of someone who never saw a fox before.

  11. We very often have a gaggle of geese fly over our house. I can hear them coming and love to look up and see them flying away, but just as you, I never seem to have my camera ready…

    1. I miss all the geese that used to come around where I used to live. They were so easy to get pictures of them before, but I rarely see them now.

  12. In San Francisco, we always have a lot of Canadian geese wintering in Golden Gate Park....they do make a bit of a mess. I've never seen a bald eagle up close and personal, except on an Alaskan cruise. Didn't have my camera handy, though.

    1. I hope one of these days I'll have my camera when I see a bald eagle.
