
Friday, September 20, 2013

Super Deluxe Turkey Post

I promised you something that I've never had before. I promised you something that I've been searching for and hunting and trying so hard to get. What it turned out to be was just a turkey!

But wait! That's not quite as bad as it might sound. I really have been trying to get some pictures of turkeys. I only rarely saw them back near where I lived in Michigan, but they're common around here where I live in Iowa.

I've been seeing turkeys around here all the time, except when I had my camera with me. I kept telling myself that one day I'd get them, and that day has finally arrived. I got a nice little flock of them for you too, and I even have a short video.

And now I have a new episode of Rat TV. You get to see these wild turkeys in action, walking around doing those kinds of things that turkeys do. Sure you'll never get these 49 seconds back again, but you'll get to see turkeys!

This picture above was what I first saw when I found the turkeys. They were just milling around minding their own business until I came along. I'm glad they didn't seem to mind that I was there taking pictures of them.

I was able to move around and get a little bit closer to them because they seemed oblivious to my presence. I'm not really sure how smart turkeys are, but they sure do taste good. I didn't really get the chance to find out with these particular birds though. At least I got some pictures.

I really can't describe how happy I really was to get these pictures. I have wanted some pictures of turkeys for a long time now. I've been hunting them a lot longer than I've been hunting the buffaloes. I can't tell you how many times I've had to stop my car to let some turkeys cross the street, and I didn't have my camera.

Now I have in my next post another thing I've been watching for but never have gotten until now. I've only seen these things a few times in my life so I'm glad I'll be able to bring you some pictures. This is something you really have to get lucky to get a picture of it. And you have to just happen to have a camera with you. Watch for my next post to see what it is. Talk to you later.


  1. Another goal reached Ratty! Turkeys have been pretty common in New England for about 30 years. It's nice to see them back in the mix of our ecological picture.

    1. I always wanted turkey pictures. I'm glad to have finally reached that goal.

  2. Great shooting Ratty. We have turkeys in this neighborhood, but I've never been able to get that close. Those birds must be used to seeing humans.

    1. I was able to hide from them pretty well. I'm good at that. And I also made good use of my zoom lens.

    2. Great turkey shots....I'm sure those birds will be scare, if they know what's good for them, around Thanksgiving time. All I have around my Mumbai home are crows and kites. My friend feeds them and they come right up to our 7th floor window!

    3. I hope they're a kind of turkey that's not good for eating. Maybe they have a good place to hide because they're always around.

  3. I think it is pretty awesome to have Turkey TV. The only turkey I've ever seen (or my human) is the turkey we get on Thanksgiving!

    1. The Thanksgiving kind was the only ones I'd seen as well until I moved here.

  4. Wonderful turkeys being turky-ish!

  5. Looks like it could be a brood, not seeing any beards on their chests.The most I have seen was at Desota National Wildlife area, 52.not far from you

    1. There were more turkeys there than I showed in the pictures. Maybe some of the others had those chest beards. I'll have to watch for that kind of thing next time. I'm still not very familiar with turkeys.

  6. Hi Ratty, just been catching up with your posts of the last month or so. Been great to go on your travels with you and I am hoping that next time you post I will be quick enough to read and comment on it straight away!!

    1. Even a late comment is a good one. It's good to see your comment.

  7. They are as lively as being seen in live view.

  8. Hi Ratty! Sorry I haven't been on to see all your newer posts. These photos and video of the turkeys are great! I'm not seeing any turkeys this year. Not seeing much of anything now, since I quit feeding the animals. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden there wasn't one squirrel around for almost a month. That made it easy to quit feeding them all. I never see any of the foxes either. It's a lonely world out there now. I see a few chipmunks, but the rats are out there also and will kill them, if they catch them. A few birds now and then. haven't seen the deer much either. I hope you are doing well. Take care.

    1. That's okay, I haven't been visiting very many blogs either for awhile. I know how you feel about not seeing very many animals. Ever since I moved out to the country I don't see as many animals either. I thought there would be even more, but the animals here like to hide. I see some, but never when I have my camera.
