
Monday, September 23, 2013

I Got Pictures Of A Rainbow

Something I've been telling myself for a long time is to keep a camera with me at all times. The only problem with that is my camera isn't exactly small. It's kind of hard to lug it around unless I specifically intend to use it.

On this particular trip where I got these pictures of a rainbow I didn't have my main camera with me. I was lucky enough to have my new smartphone with me though. I just bought a new Nokia Lumia 521 Windows Phone. I got it because it was very cheap and it syncs up very nicely with Windows 8.

I don't use a phone much but I wanted this thing for the computer. The phone was a nice bonus. It's not the best smartphone camera because this one is Nokia's lower end model. But Nokia is known for its cameras so this one works pretty well anyway.

The whole point is that I'm extremely happy with my new toy and now I'll have a camera with me wherever I go. Now I shouldn't miss a golden opportunity that presents itself, such as this rainbow.

As far as thew rainbow goes, I couldn't believe I had the chance to get it. I never thought I'd get any rainbow pictures. They are so rare and surprising. This one was so strong in the sky though that nobody could have missed it.

The rainbow actually showed up in three different places. There were two ends and what looked like maybe a reflection. And it lasted for maybe fifteen minutes. This last picture was taken several miles away from the first two.

I got to watch the rainbow finally fading away into nothing. It's just amazing that the conditions were just right enough for it to appear. I always think that when I see one. I never saw one until I was an adult. By that time I never thought I would. I'm glad I was wrong. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Congrats on your smartphone--sure takes nice pics! I try to carry my small digital camera around with me, don't have an iphone or smartphone. Are they the same thing? I don't even know!

    1. iphones are Apple's brand of smartphone. Mine is a Microsoft one. But they are mostly the same thing.

  2. Glad you had that phone camera. Pictures are very nice.

    1. I'm glad too. I would have never gotten the pictures without it.

  3. I see you even got a bonus of catching a double rainbow! Congrats

    1. Yeah, The rainbow was so big that it actually had three parts.

  4. It sounds like a small kid just got his candy.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Rainbows are always a treat, and a double one even better!

    1. I wish I could have gotten the whole thing all in one picture. That would have been something.

  6. Those are great photos! My human has an iPhone, and actually a lot of the pictures on her own photo blog are taken with it.

    1. With your iPhone you understand what I mean about everything syncing up so nicely with the computer.

  7. What a fantastic capture. Love the last photo.

  8. I love to see the rainbows in the sky. Living in England we certainly get to see plenty of them. Even though I know why they appear they never cease to amaze me!!

    1. That makes sense that you'd have a lot of them. I understand your weather is a lot of the time just right to get them.

  9. I rarely use my cell phone camera, but it is nice to have along if you have something you want to capture right away. I'm like you--I don't typically take the camera along because it is too heavy and cumbersome.

    The rainbow is lovely.

    1. I'll probably be using my cellphone camera a lot because I don't take my big camera along. There's so much to take pictures of around here.

  10. you captured it very well, my cell phone camera is my everyday camera because it comes in very handy

    1. I'll probably be using my cellphone camera for most everyday things. But the big one will still come with me on my adventures.

  11. Ratty, what terrific pictures you got with your phone! I always love photographing rainbows and I've gotten some beautiful ones. My favorite was in Honolulu with Diamondhead in the background.

    About four months before I came ot India, I really splurged and bought the Samsung Note 2...mainly because the U. S. can no longer lock phones and this is a global one...and what a phone! I just love it though it is a little large, almost like a mini tablet in size. When I got to Mumbai, all I had to do was go to Vodafone and get a local sim card with my India number. And I even have Skype on the phone so I can call anywhere, at any time, without incurring serious charges. In fact, my Skype unlimited U. S. calling is only $6.99/month. When I'm home, I add unlimited India calling but it's $25/month.

    The camera on the phone is excellent and reverses so I can take a photo of myself if I so desire. My othere camera is a Canon...not a mini one but not one of the $1000 ones.

    1. I wish we had deals like that here in the U.S.. I didn't want to end up in a two year phone contract so I waited until I could buy the phone outright.

  12. Right time, right place, right camera! Good job Ratty!

    1. One of these times I'll be lucky enough to get some rainbow pictures with my big camera.

  13. Hey pal, extra points for the double rainbow capture! Nice done.

    1. I didn't see the double part of the rainbow at first, but when I did I made sure to get it into the picture.
