
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Yellow This Time

I told you before that I was looking for flowers a little bit right now. This time it's little yellow flowers that I've found. These yellow ones are very small. My second picture shows that much better than the first.

I found these not too far from the purple flowers I showed you last time. Maybe they're related somehow. I don't know. Like I said before, I know nothing about flowers, unless somebody tells me.

I like these yellow flowers, but I'm going to have to move back to animals with my next post. I just don't know what to write about them. I didn't have to hold these to get them to stop blowing in the wind. That's something. Maybe that's why I have such trouble with flowers, no physical action.

Wouldn't it be fun if flowers had feet, and they could run from you? It really could be, but it could be kind of creepy too. Just think of a herd of flowers running up to you on a lonely forest path. I'm not really sure just how I'd deal with that. What would you do?

It would certainly make for an exciting time of taking their picture. You'd have to chase down flowers like you do butterflies. But them roses, with their thorns, probably wouldn't be afraid of anything. How would bees react to flowers then?

Okay, enough of this. Now it's time for me to go to sleep and dream about being chased by flocks of flowers out to steal my soul. I hate it when that happens! Okay, talk to you later.


  1. They are related, Ratty. This one is a type of mustard. Both the purple Rocket and mustard are brassicas - members of the cabbage family!

    Enjoy your dream. Just turn yourself into a bee and all will go in your favor. :-D


    1. I'm glad to know my instincts are correct about them being related, even if I don't know much.

      Being a bee might be fun.

  2. Ratty, are you gearing up to write a creepy story... about flowers? Sounds like you are kind of inspired!

    1. A creepy story about flowers sounds like a good idea. I'll have to think about that one.

  3. Some flowers populate by rhizome or runners, stolons that creep along the ground and sprout new plants. Running of a sort wouldn't you say. Nice, nice photos!

    1. That's a good thought that these flowers are running in a way.

  4. oh, would love to think flowers could run to me, and they follow me, and crazy over me, instead of me to them, haha!!

    1. It really would be fun if you think of it in a positive way. I think of things in a sometimes strange way too though.

  5. So fun to have flowers talking to me.

    But not running away.

    1. Flowers that talk would be fun too. It would depend what they say though.

  6. I think I would love it if a flock of flowers ran up and surrounded me like your little raccoons did! Yes, they are some mustard. There aren't too many kinds of flowers with four petals actually.

    1. I'd love a flock of flowers too if they were like those raccoons. My problem is that my mind creates monsters.
