
Monday, June 3, 2013

Purple Flowers

Guess who knows absolutely nothing about flowers. That's right. Me! I really am much better at identifying animals. Flowers just confound me. Sure, I know to look at certain things, like the number of petals, and maybe even the shape, but I just don't have a good resource to help me learn.

You can find guides for animals all over the internet, but not for flowers. I've seen a few little things that help a bit, but nothing where I can really learn to understand plants and flowers. And I don't want to spend money to learn either. So I'm mostly content to just admire what I see, like these purple flowers.

These purple flowers are growing just about everywhere near where I live. I never really got any close looks at flowers last year because there weren't many around. But this year there are man =y different kinds to choose from. I guess that's the way it is when your not going through a drought.

I got my business taken care of that interrupted my blogging activity last week. Everything worked out pretty well, but it was a huge distraction. Now I'm back and ready to get down to business again. I'm just glad it's all over.

I plan on doing a bit of traveling in another month or so. I'm going to be traveling around the area looking at different places and landmarks, maybe even a few museums. There's just so many things to do around here that I never could do before. I'm really excited about the whole idea.

One of the first places I'm going to go visit is a river boat museum in Sioux City. I was there once before when I was on vacation here before my blogging days.That vacation was what inspired me to start this blog. I plan on more than duplicating it in the months to come. This time I'll have pictures.

Something I learned from that vacation I took way back then was that you can make every day a kind of vacation for yourself. Just take a little time out sometimes to look around your area to see what kind of fun things are out there. I got lucky enough to now live in the place that inspired that idea for me.

I really never thought I'd get to move to the place where I always wanted to be. Michigan is a great place, in my opinion the most beautiful state, but I've always loved it here in Iowa more than any other place. I'm glad to be here.

It's things like these flowers that I love about being here. I see them everywhere. Now I'll get to find out how far away they're growing. The rest of the year is going to be an exciting one for me. I can't wait! Talk to you later.


  1. Ratty, these flowers are so pretty and what great shots you took. I am so happy you'll be doing a little traveling and I look forward to more of your stories and pics.

    1. I'm surprised I was able to get these in focus. I'm really excited about my upcoming travels. I hope they will be as good as I imagine.

  2. Oh, Ratty, they're beautiful!!! Around here we call that flower "Dame's Rocket," Hesperis matronalis. Maybe they have a different local name in Iowa, but lovely no matter where they grow.

    Enjoy your travels near and far!


    1. Whether they have a different name here or not, I'll call them Dame's Rocket from now on. I like that name.

  3. My human loves taking flower photos - she doesn't have the feel for photographing wild critters that you do - but she can't ID any of them either!

    1. I'm going to try to take more flower pictures when I seem them. I usually don't notice them because I'm so busy chasing squirrels.

  4. Hello! Wonderful photos and wonderful flower color!

  5. so very beautiful, you took them at really very good angles, love your shots. i am like you, love taking photos of flowers, but oftentimes can't ID them.

    1. I actually held some of them in my hand to keep them from blowing in the wind.

  6. Beautiful flowers, miraculous colours, such pictures are joy for the soul:) Greetings

  7. Yes, dames rocket, and btw Ratty, I know from this post that you are back to your old form. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks. I'm not sure how far back I am quite yet, but I certainly am trying to get there.

  8. Dame's Rocket. Yes, they are pretty. You are going traveling, or you just mean others will tell you where they grow. They grow in Michigan (actually they are alien in the US)

    1. I'm going traveling, but just around Iowa and Nebraska. There are a lot of historic sites around here that I want to see, and a lot of nature parks.

  9. what kind of flowers are these

    1. One of the other commenters revealed the name for all of us. Check above and you'll find out.
