
Monday, June 24, 2013

Wishing For The Future

Problems, problems. My internet went down for awhile before I could write my post for Friday, and stayed down for quite some time, so I just decided to take the rest of the weekend off from the internet. I was too irritated to continue. I hate when that happens!

There also hasn't been much excitement in the way of nature going on around here for the past several days, so I don't have any new pictures today either. I thought it might be fun to just share some older pictures again to go along with my writing.

I haven't really been going out to any nature parks recently because I've been concentrating on the, hopefully, near future. I'll be doing a lot of traveling around the state here pretty soon, and I'm kinda saving all my money up for that.

I'm really excited about getting to see all the different nature and historical sites that my travels take me near. This will be the first time in my life I've ever been able to do anything like this, and I've been trying to plan everything all at once.

I already have plans to visit a museum inside a riverboat, several huge nature parks, and the biggest dam I've ever seen. What I'm most excited about is that my travels are going to take me near a few waterfalls here in the state. I've never seen a waterfall before in my life, and I can't wait to see my first one.

The only problem right now is that I had hoped for all of this to have begun already, but it keeps getting delayed. It's definitely going to happen, but I want to get going already. I can't even really prepare for my journeys until I'm told I can get started, but at least I can plan for these side trips.

Part of what's holding everything up is effects from my old car accident. I'm almost over it, but I still have to be careful with my head. I can't go anywhere until I can say I'm healthy enough. That should be no problem soon either.

I'm trying to think of all the positive things while not letting the waiting get to me. It's going to be pretty exciting soon. I'm going to be kind of distracted until then, so I'll probably have a bunch of weird posts like this one. I'll talk to you later.


  1. Keep your eye on the prize, Ratty. Just keep working towards taking that trip and you will....soon enough! I can't wait for you to go--I will enjoy hearing your tales from the adventure.

    1. I'm hoping so much that it will be very soon. I'm beginning to count the days.

  2. Glad to here your almost beyond the ill effects of your terrible accident. I admire your tenacity and will to move forward. Keep moving forward, its the only direction with a future.

    1. I figured it was either heal from the accident or nothing. I'm glad it has worked out so far. :)

  3. oh, Ratty, I am so happy for you, keep on wishing well for the future, it seems like the bird is cheering you on

    1. I hope the bird is cheering me on, and I hope I now get to see many more like it.

  4. It looks like it is actually a story by the bird.

  5. Don't worry, you will be hitting the road when the time is exactly right!

    1. I hope it will be when the time is right. I've had a few false starts already.

  6. Hello! The first photo is very informative.

  7. That's also what I advise myself, take a break when you feel so frustrated you wanna kill some ants because they're also irritating sometimes. But I think you made a real interesting post; planning your trip which always gets delayed, seeing a waterfall for the first time (that is cute), and overcoming a car accident.. well, I wish you best of luck to your future trip and enjoy yourself. :)

  8. I went to the waterfalls in Sweden and they were amazing...can't wait to travel along with you through your posts and pictures!!

    1. I'd love to be able to see waterfalls in Sweden. Mine here will only be smaller ones, but that will be good enough for me.

  9. I'm so happy for you, and the good report on your head. That has taken way too long to heal.

    1. My little journeys are going to be starting in a couple of weeks now, I just found out today.
